Try to get some rest now, sleep's not coming easy for a while...

Feb 24, 2010 19:53

 I blame the weather for my inexplicable need to listen to slightly sad sounding emo-esque music today.  The ideal playlist would have included Dusk And Summer, but I failed to put that in Jasper :( so I settled for good old Something Corporate LOL.  Haven't heard them in a while, but it was a throwback, let me tell you...

Today was frigging WEIRD.  Like...WEIRD.

There's this pair of black boyshorts hanging next to the sink at the apartment.  I thought they were my roommate's; my roommate thought they were mine.  Today she brought it up, and we realized they didn't belong to either of us, and thus the mystery began.  We thought maybe they belonged to the two other girls in the apartment, but no dice; neither Sharon nor Susie have been in our bathroom, and the one explanation we had left fell through.  So Lisa and I had an unidentified pair of undies in our bathroom, and we have no idea what to make of it.
My two classes were weird today.  The first one was great because we got almost the whole class to work on groupwork, but my group totally had trouble figuring stuff out until literally the last few minutes.  We were able to pull things together, but it was hard work, and half of our group wasn't even there.  And in my second class when we needed time to run through our scenes we just had all these presentations to get through.  AND ONE WAS A MATH PRESENTATION.  It was kind of cool, but OMG MATH.  I totally tuned out that whole class after that :/.  And we didn't even get our group time to work on scenes we're supposed to have written and all that crap :/.  OMG that class is going to drive me insane...

I realized I needed a book for class tomorrow that I had yet to get, so I figured I'd go to the bookstore and pick it up.  While I was there, I figured I'd also pick up the sweatpants I've been meaning to get.  So I get back to the apartment and Lisa commented on how she was just at the Bookstore, half an hour before I got back to the apartment.  Then she busts out the sweatpants that she bought and OMG THEY WERE THE SAME PAIR.  We're sweatpants buddies now :P  It was weird; neither of us knew the other was going to the bookstore, and neither of us knew the other was hankering for some sweatpants.  Yet we go on the same day within the same hour to the same place to buy the same sweatpants.  Maybe we've been living with one another for too long :P

I'm about halfway done with the homework I need to do for tomorrow, and that's a good thing.  I'm moving ahead with everything else in my life, I might as well move ahead with homework too, right?

I'm hoping there will be no more weirdness today...I think I've had about as much as I can handle for the moment :P  Life has a way of turning things around though, doesn't it...

school, rambling

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