Posting from depaul. My next class is in an hour and a half so I have some time to kill.
Yesterday was British Novel in the morning and Japanese 105 in the afternoon. I really like my British Novel professor ... he was talking to the class about epistolary novels (ones that are told in letters of correspondence) and asked for examples, so I was all "EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED! And Dracula!" I'm such a dork sometimes :B Anyway I think that class won't be insanely difficult and will be interesting ... we have to read this obscure book called "The Sylph," and "Frankenstein," "Wuthering Heights," "Heart of Darkness," and "Sense and Sensibility."
Japanese is pretty much the same as last quarter, except a lot of new people. Same blue-haired girl with two-inch fingernails which make me cringe every time I catch a glimpse of them. A few new students from Korea and Vietnam.
I just had Music Theory. I think it'll be challenging but very interesting. I used to study the flute, from when I was seven until I was about fourteen. I still pick it up from time to time. I've been trying to teach myself how to play songs on the piano. I'm good at playing by ear, but playing with both hands is incredibly difficult. The prof played some very jarring sounding music on the piano ... he's undoubtedly very talented and skilled but I like music more when it's more harmonious.
Later I have Calculus and then Focal Point, which I have to take in order to go abroad to Ireland for a week over spring break. I know Calculus is going to be a difficult, perhaps even torturous ... but if I decide to major in science I'm going to have to take it :O
My trip to London was amazing :O I went in the beginning of December for about six days. My godfather's daughter Katrine showed me around ... it really is a wonderful place. I'll post some photos here once she sends them to me (I don't have a camera).
I'm gonna miss all my free time ... I did so much art over December break. Finally learned how to (kind of) correctly cel shade in corel painter! I recognized that my drawings lack movement ... so I'm putting more effort into finding interesting/dynamic poses.
This website really helps with that ... you can turn posed digital bodies in space to use as reference. You can even pause walk/run cycles.
My ipod's screen got smashed about half a year ago. It still plays music and can be updated, but the screen looks like a technicolor barcode so I can't choose songs and have no idea what I'm listening to half the time. It's good to have downtown when you don't feel like being bothered by people passing out flyers...
Chicago is freezing this time of year. I feel like I should be walking around in a balaclava, that's how cold it is. Trying to resist the impulse to buy overpriced hot chocolate from the cafe in the student center. My willpower is not very strong though ;3;