Hi again

May 23, 2013 08:13

Obviously, I didn't make it back last night when I got home. *LOL*

A quickish update on me...

We took Nio back to the States for a visit at the end of March. Just in time for Easter.

This was planned...because I wanted to have a picture of Nio with the Easter Bunny. They don't Easter Bunny pics here. :( We ended up getting it and it was absolutely gorgeous! I'll post it later - I don't have it with me.

The day before we left Australia, Nio cut his first tooth. The day after we arrived at Mom's house (spent a night in LA to break up the trip), he cut his second. SO cute!

We spent 3 1/2 weeks there...spending time with family and catching up with a couple of friends. It was absolutely wonderful and the Wombat charmed the entire family.

We got home on 22 April, spent a day and a half at home, then we were at El's parents' house at 4am on the 24th to catch the shuttle to the airport - for a trip to Fiji. (El's cousin's wedding which turned into a family reunion of sorts :) )

Fiji was beautiful...and I'd seriously consider living there. It was very humid, which was the only thing I didn't like - but that's what they make air conditioning for. *LOL*

I'll write more about the trips later...this is just basically a 'what the hell's been going on' post. :)

Spent a week there, came back on 1 May. On 3 May, I had my tattoo for Nio done...and fell absolutely in love with it immediately. And then on 6 May, it was back to work for me. BOO!!!

I'm about 4 episodes behind on Doctor Who at the moment. I have them on on the computer and ready to watch -- I just haven't had time to actually watch them. Maybe this Friday night, the Wombat and I will watch a few of them while El is out with her mums group. :)

Of course there's been family drama -- but that's for another post too. It would take far too long to type it all out. *LOL* I will say that El's sister has FINALLY and FOR GOOD broken up with the dickhead and El's sister (J) is MUCH better off without him.

Nicholas (J and dickhead's son, our nephew) and Nio are great friends and give each other cuddles and kisses every time they're together. It's quite cute. We call them couslings...because they're not siblings, but more than mere cousins. :)

Here's Nio...on the plane, reading the safety instructions during the demo. *LOL*

In the ocean in Fiji, after El and I had come back from snorkeling - which was AMAZING! Nio LOVES the ocean. Oh...and he's sitting on his own extremely well now. Started that on his 6-month birthday.

Two besties reunited after our trips and Freya's return from the farm. :)

My two most favourite people in the world! xx

A tattoo for Nio the Wombat. :)

After I took the first one, I realized how dry it looked. So, lotioned it up and it looks much better now. *LOL*

So, I think that's all for now. It's taken me ages to make this post this morning. I'll do a post about the trips later. :)

Hope everyone's doing well! xx

This entry was originally posted at http://froxyn.dreamwidth.org/344937.html. However, you can comment here or there...I'm still around! :)

pics, hello, nio's adventures

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