Louise called the Sydney University Vet Hospital yesterday about setting up Freya's ultrasound. It's this morning at 8. She hasn't had anything to eat since 10 last night, in case they have to sedate her.
Weller was on the back deck watching birds, so I opened the door and asked him if he wanted breakfast. He went back to bird watching. Freya, on the other hand, started bouncing. Poor girl's hungry. :(
I think Allonsy slept with Freya all night last night. Which isn't that unusual really. He adores her. He still tries to nurse on her from time to time. He's nearly 16 months old. *LOL*
Hopefully, we'll have a treatment plan today. I'd like to get her started on something sooner rather than later.
Coming home last night was a nervous ordeal. :(
We did come home to a happy and smiling Freya though. :)
Thank you for all of your good thoughts and hugs for our girl!
I forgot to post Freya's Christmas picture!
And this is when we were coming home from the hospital on Sunday afternoon. :)