(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 06:58

I hadn't considered participating in the Drunken!Giles Ficathon. Didn't think I'd be up to it. Still not sure if I'm up to it, but I've claimed a prompt.

I still have all of these fic ideas in my head...and they actually form themselves into stories...I just don't have the drive to actually sit down and type them out.

I'm quite possibly in a depression.

I'd almost be surprised if I wasn't. No need for the suicide insurance though. :)

Allonsy and Weller are learning at a scary!fast pace. They're just amazing. They're both fascinated by Winchester and follow him around like annoying little brothers. It's really quite cute to watch. Xanthe hasn't disappeared at all...but, she doesn't want anything to do with them. Freya...is driving Weller crazy, I think. She doesn't bother Allonsy anymore, but that's probably because she gets no reaction out of him.

Weller is currently stalking Allonsy, who is standing on a bottom branch of the Christmas tree.

Saw the surgeon yesterday...a checkup on my back. My surgeon is moving to Melbourne next year. :( Anyway, I told him about the "clunking" going on when I lay down. He just looked at me and said "You always have something interesting to tell me..." He'd never heard of it before, but we tested it and sure enough...clunk.

He seems to think that it's the muscle and tendons slipping over the rods.

And just the thought of that makes me a bit nauseous.

But, my x-rays that were done on Saturday look pretty much the same as the ones taken in May. So, that's awesome.

Found out yesterday that I'm getting a damn good bonus in my pay this month. The biggest bonus I've gotten since working there. I spent a little of it yesterday on a new bbq. Ours is about 5 years old and, though it still technically works, takes ages to cook anything now.

Allonsy and Weller's Photobucket has been updated.

Weller being very cute

Allonsy trying to stay awake

Sleeping on the arm of one of the couches

Freya and Allonsy

Freya and Weller
Yeah, Freya is as tired as she looks *LOL*

I'm sure I had much more to say. But, I just can't remember it all. So, I guess I'll go pull the kittens out of the tree and feed Freya because she seems to be a bit hungry. And then...time to get ready for work. :(

kittens, ficathon, freya, life

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