Reunion (2/5)

Oct 05, 2010 06:16

This chapter is rated FRT.

Chapter Two

“It’s...cleaner than I remember it being.” Rose commented as they walked along the footpath.

“As in air pollution? That’s probably due to the ATMOS system that they’ve started installing in the cars here.” The Doctor stated matter-of-factly, smiling when she arched an eyebrow at him in a silent question. “Read an article about it while you were getting a coffee.”

“Oh... ‘course you did.” She gave him a small smile as she linked her arm through his.

“It was actually rather interesting. I mean the concept behind it. And it obviously works ‘cause, as you said, it’s cleaner than it was the last time we were here. But, I worry about the system falling into the wrong about mayhem!”

“What are you doing?”

He shrugged his shoulder and sighed softly. “Rambling. As I do. It’s been known to calm your nerves at times, was hoping it’d work its magic again. But, I don’t think it did this time. Of course, this time’s a bit different, yeah? I’s not every day that we travel into another universe for the sole purpose of telling your mum that you’re getting married.”

“And that I’m pregnant.” Rose added.

“Well, yeah...that too.” He stopped suddenly, causing Rose to stumble the tiniest bit.


“I’ve been worried about your mother the entire time, but...what about Pete? He’s going to kill me...not only have I been shagging his daughter, I’ve gotten her pregnant...before I’ve married her and - ” He looked down at her when she barked a laugh. “Well, I’m glad that that has lightened your mood.”

“Well, I’m not sure what time period you’re thinking of, you know how many couples have children before they’re married these days? If they even get married? And besides...this Pete’s technically not my dad. The only Rose he knew before me was his dog.” She glared at him when she saw his lips twitch. “You laugh and it’s not Mum or Pete you’ll be worrying about.”

The Doctor cleared his throat and started walking again. “Wonder how much trouble Jack and Martha are going to get into? Well, not Martha...because she’s pretty good at avoiding trouble. But, Jack kinda attracts it.”

“Reminds me of someone I know...” Rose replied with a smile. Her smile faded as a thought occurred to her. “What if Mum and Pete aren’t even together? I mean...she could be living on her own or - ”

“Nope, they’re together. Jackie Tyler had gone missing a couple of months earlier...that was the Jackie who actually, um...well, anyway...the story is that Jackie had gone missing. She’d been captured by the Cybermen, but escaped before they were able to ‘upgrade’ her. She had to go into hiding...and couldn’t contact her husband, Pete, until it was safe. Apparently, they’re very happy...and living in the same mansion, with a different dog. Actually, I think it’s the same dog but with a different name. I can’t imagine your mum allowing the dog to continue to be called ‘Rose’.”

“Just how much reading did you do while I was getting coffee?”

“I’m a quick reader.” He grinned, pulling his hand out of his pocket and lacing their fingers together. “Did you want to grab a taxi or just walk?”

Rose thought for a second, not able to stop her smile from forming as he gently swung their arms back and forth. “You okay if we just walk?”

“Yep. It’s a nice day and all...”

“Yeah, it is.” She agreed, rubbing her thumb along his. “I love you, Doctor.”

“I love you too, Rose.” He replied with a bright smile. “Vitex came out with a new flavour last month. Pomegranate Appleberry. What’s an ‘appleberry’? Or do you reckon it’s one of those strange hybrid names they give a plucot.”

“A plucot?”

“Yep...a small fruit made from combining a plum and an apricot. Much like a Gallihu, I guess. Only...less fruit-like.”

“Did you really just compare our child to a hybrid fruit?” Rose laughed and quickened her step.

The Doctor merely grinned, realizing that his plan had seemingly worked. in 96.3% of the time...his rambling and strange observations did wonders to calm Rose’s nerves. Luckily, correlations between plucots and a Gallihu was enough to slip her into that particular percentage once again.

* * *

She was laughing hysterically at his reaction from tasting a rock, barely able to breathe as she wiped the tears from her face.

“It’s a rock, Doctor! What the hell were you expecting? And...why taste a rock?”

The Doctor rolled his eyes and glanced at the car approaching before giving her a look of pure exasperation. He opened his mouth to respond just as the car sped passed them, but his words didn’t form. The unmistakable sound of tires squealing against the road as the driver slammed the brakes caused the Doctor to pull Rose to safety, his eyes wide as the car skidded to a stop a few metres away.

“This...precisely why I don’t drive a car, Rose!”

She looked up at him, as confused by his statement as she was startled by the car. “Huh?”

Again, the Doctor opened his mouth. Again, no words formed. This time was different, Rose realized. The last time, just a few moments ago, it was because the car surprised him. This time, judging by the way his eyes widened...

She turned her head and followed his line of vision, her own mouth dropping open as she vaguely registered the sound of a car door slamming shut.

“Mum...” She finally choked out on a nearly inaudible whisper.

Jackie Tyler ran around the front of the car and stopped halfway between the car and if she was suddenly not sure if what she was seeing was real or not. She slowly lowered her hand from her mouth and took a hesitant step forward.


The Doctor barely had enough time to let go of Rose’s hand before she took off towards her mother. He watched as Rose flung herself into Jackie’s arms. He listened as they both began to speak...but, was unable to make out any of their words.

Tears always made English harder to understand for the Doctor.

He took a deep breath and then slowly made his way over, content to stand at the side during the reunion. Until he looked up the road and saw another car on its way towards them, that is.

“Should probably move the car out of the way...” He stated softly, instantly flinching when Jackie snapped her head towards him. “It’s just...well, there’s a car coming and - ”

The Doctor stumbled backwards, his explanation cut short as Jackie kissed him. Rose gave a watery laugh as the Doctor pulled away and wiped the back of his hand across his lips. He gave Jackie a look of near-revulsion and she rolled her eyes.

“Get over it, you! You bring my daughter across the universe to see me and you get a kiss...whether you like it or not, yeah?”

The Doctor straightened, his expression slipping into one of understanding as he nodded and scratched the back of his head. “Fair enough, but...let it be known that that was not enjoyable.”

Rose shook her head in amusement as she slipped her hand back into his. “Pretty sure that it’s known, Doctor.”

The car that had been approaching was now upon them. It slowed down and moved around Jackie’s very sensible, though slightly luxurious, BMW. The driver of the other car lightly tapped the horn, just to make the three people standing on the side of the road aware of the fact that there was a car still parked in the middle of the road for no apparent reason.

Jackie waved and then gestured to her car. “Okay you you get. We can talk more on the way back to the house.”

“You have a BMW...” Rose remarked as she led the Doctor over to the car.

Jackie grinned as she opened the driver’s door. “Pete wanted to buy me some super-duper Audi something or other, but...why waste the money on that when I could get this for literally half the money?”

“Well, that’s...frugal...” The Doctor commented with a smile as he nudged Rose towards the front passenger door. “Go on, I’ll sit in the back.”

He opened the back door and pushed a bag over to give himself enough room to sit down. Unfortunately, he pushed the bag with a bit too much force and it tipped over, spilling its contents onto the seat. He arched an eyebrow when he noticed one of the items that had fallen out was a small blue shirt with a picture of a duck on the front.

Small enough to be considered a shirt for a baby...

He glanced up quickly and met Jackie’s eyes in the rearview mirror, wondering if somehow...some impossible how...she knew. Jackie’s eyes widened slightly and she gave a quick shake of her head, silently requesting the Doctor not to mention what was in the bag.

He gave a nearly imperceptible nod in reply and carefully repacked the bag before buckling his seatbelt.

“So, tell me what’s been going on!” Rose ordered, beaming at her mother.

Jackie cleared her throat and slipped the car into gear. “Well...mainly me arguing with Pete over whether or not the Doctor would be able to find a way to bring you into this universe.”

Rose grinned and turned slightly, looking at the Doctor...who was currently fiddling with a button on the armrest of the door next to him. She felt a sudden rush of love for him...which wasn’t unusual, but always made her heart skip a beat.

“Guess you’ll be able to prove him wrong then, yeah?”

Jackie glanced over at her daughter, who was still gazing at the Doctor...who was now fiddling with a button on the back of Rose’s seat. “Never doubted him. A brilliant one, he is.”

The Doctor paused his fiddling and looked up, grinning widely at the two women. “ wasn’t all that hard, really. I mean, as soon as we were able to find a neomass extrapolator, it was pretty much just insert ‘tab b’ into ‘slot a’. Well, maybe not that simple...because it could’ve blown up or vaporized or...well, anything could’ve happened really. Interdimensional travel isn’t as easy as it used to be. Much...bumpier and rollercoastery.”

Jackie snorted and guided the car into a long, winding driveway. “He really hasn’t changed all that much, has he?”

The Doctor’s grin faded. “Why would I? It’s not as if I’ve regenerated again and everyone has to get used to a new me. I’m still the same person I was the last time I saw you...”

Jackie pulled the car to a stop and turned off the engine. Looking over her shoulder at him, she offered him a warm smile.

“None of us are the same people we were the last time we saw each other, Doctor.”

The Doctor thought about that for a moment and then gave her a nod. “True...but, I still enjoy a good ramble. I still seem to manage to find trouble wherever I go. And I still...”

“Still what?” Jackie asked as the Doctor trailed off.

He smiled softly and turned his eyes to Rose. “I still love your daughter very much.”

“Well, that’s a relief...considering the size of the rock that’s on her hand.” Jackie rolled her eyes as both the Doctor and Rose stared at her. “You really think I wouldn’t have noticed that first thing?”

“I, uh...well, um...” The Doctor stammered as he ran his fingers through his hair. “”

Jackie snorted and climbed out of the car. When the Doctor and Rose didn’t move, she tapped on the window and gestured towards the house.

“Come on, then...we have things to talk about, yeah?”

The Doctor glanced at the bag resting on the seat next to him and nodded slowly.

It didn’t escape his mind that the day was just getting stranger by the second.

Nano-second, even.

rose/ten, pg13, reunion, whofic, frt

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