(no subject)

Feb 08, 2010 06:15

Sometimes people make the strangest replies on yahoo groups. And sometimes those strange replies kinda make me a bit sick. Which makes me want to reply to their strange reply, but...I can't seem to be bothered.

I'm so behind in writing at the moment, I have three stories on the go...plus the next Uther/Morgana fic rattling around in my head. It's all there, but I just haven't been able to sit down and write. I'm hoping to have that rectified this week and having two of the three completely finished...and then possibly holding on the third so that I can get the Uther/Morgana fic out.

Because I kinda think I'm going to enjoy writing that one.

I finally found the Deluxe Edition of the Repo soundtrack, so I'm happy about that. Though I still can't bring myself to watch the movie again. It's not that I didn't like it...it just made me so sad that just thinking about it makes me sad. The music is awesome though.

It'll probably make me sad too. *LOL*

We were watching the Merlin episode The Lady of the Lake yesterday. I kept expecting Freya to react to Merlin saying the name "Freya", but...she was too tired apparently.

I'm done rambling now...have a good day!

writing, yahoo groups, repo, ramble

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