
Oct 26, 2009 21:44

I have drabbles for those who requested them. I hope you enjoy them! :)

Merlin: Uther/Arthur - gloves (heavenlyblack) )

merlin, ncis, drabble, buffy, house, supernatural, smallville

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Comments 18

heavenlyblack October 27 2009, 03:59:30 UTC
*bows* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

Brilliant work as ever. I think I actually died of happiness when I read mine. Is there anything you can't write? :P

The Merlin/Arthur was too freaking cute.

Ok, I'll stop my fangirling now.


froxyn October 27 2009, 09:30:18 UTC

Thank you! I'm sure I wouldn't be able to write Giles having sex with anyone else (if Buffy wasn't involved in some way...or going to be involved in some way).

Uther/Arthur was definitely a challenge, but I like challenges...a lot. I wasn't sure if it was what you were looking for, but it sounds like it was okay. :)

Merlin/Arthur makes me squee just a bit. *snort*

Just so you know...your comment made my day. Thank you sweetie!


okegirl October 27 2009, 05:39:23 UTC
Wonderful, wonderful writing! Oh my word, Merlin and Arthur so sweet, and cute. Dean and Chloe made me laugh for like five minutes, it was that funny. The other drabbles are just as awesome. I love what you did with both the prompts, and love how you pulled the Dean/Chloe prompt together, it is still making me grin :) Awesome!!! I can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing.


froxyn October 27 2009, 09:34:17 UTC
:D I was really nervous about Dean/Chloe, but I'm not one to turn down a challenge.

Thank you for giving me some awesome prompts! :)


polly1esther October 27 2009, 11:53:15 UTC
Oooh, so much goodness! Buffy/Giles, Buffy/Uther, Uther/Morgana, etc... My head is already spinning with so many treats!

I love your House -voice. Is it just me or does "Case File: Giles, Rupert" simply DEMAND to be a long, long story? ;p


froxyn October 27 2009, 20:00:35 UTC

No, I don't think it's just you...which opens a whole new can of worms for me.


hamrensel October 27 2009, 16:15:58 UTC
I love the Buffy/Uther & Buffy/Giles. After reading a great Buffy in Camelot by lears_daughter I have been (unsuccessfully) looking for more. So thank you for that drabble. I would love to see the dirty dancing drabble to be a longer fic. It was so very hot. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.


froxyn October 27 2009, 20:03:56 UTC
Thank you :)

That could possibly be done...I've got a few projects going at the moment...but, I think I can extend the dancing drabble into at least a ficlet. (I'm not sure what everyone else calls a 'ficlet', but for me it's 1000 - 1500 words).

And I might be able to do that soon. :)


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