Hidden Truths (2/14)

Jun 01, 2009 05:50

Giles insists that Buffy stay at his house instead of one of the many hotels in London.

This chapter is rated FRAO.

Hidden Truths - Chapter Two )

nc17, bigbang, b/g fanfic, frao, hidden truths

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Comments 18

dariclone May 31 2009, 23:54:25 UTC
Wow, what an awesome fic so far. You potray their emotions so well. I can see things are definitly going to be awkward in the morning.
I love your drunken Buffy and Giles. So funny, both of them. And that sex scene? Hot.


froxyn June 1 2009, 07:51:51 UTC
Thank you!

I really like drunken Buffy and Giles...probably more than I really should. *LOL*


okegirl June 1 2009, 02:18:58 UTC
Wonderful writing! Hmm it seems like maybe Buffy and Giles want the same thing but think that the other doesn't.... or maybe Buffy just doesn't realize how much love is involved.... Can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing.


froxyn June 1 2009, 09:15:03 UTC

Oh, you know how they are. ;)


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froxyn June 1 2009, 09:17:08 UTC

You are so wonderfully predictable. :D


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froxyn June 1 2009, 09:17:59 UTC
Yeah, I get caught between chuckling at them and wanting to smack 'em. :)


sinistercircus June 1 2009, 05:57:55 UTC
Very hot. Loved the culmination, and finally the release! Very well written and...did I mention, hot?! *fans self*

Please keep 'em coming! ♥♥!

(pun intended)


froxyn June 1 2009, 09:22:11 UTC
Thank you! :D

*LOL* I like puns!

Ooh...and another niiiice user pic!!!!


sinistercircus June 9 2009, 23:19:27 UTC
Hee! Thanks! He has the cutest, squeezable buttocks ever! ♥


lily_diablo June 8 2009, 07:19:37 UTC
Uhhhhm...okay. *Where* did you get that userpic...? LMAO.


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