CSI Movie?

Apr 23, 2009 06:33

Direct quote from William Petersen in the Radio Times regarding the rumour of a CSI movie:

"We have an idea for how it would happen - now Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle) and I are out of the show, we could pull something off in Europe without disrupting the other episodes they have to shoot."

Grissom, Sara, Europe...

oh yes...please let it happen.

rumour, csi

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Comments 6

boundbyash April 22 2009, 22:46:00 UTC
This is exciting! I too would love to see this happen! Still . . . so many things would have to fall into place. But I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed. I miss Grissom - show's not the same without him.


froxyn April 23 2009, 07:35:47 UTC
Yeah, I had a total giggly moment when I read it.

Mom's still recording CSI and burning them to dvds for us, but...this will probably be the last year I watch it. I mean...I watched it for Billy. El watched it for Jorja...

they're both gone now, so what's the point? *LOL*


heavenlyblack April 22 2009, 23:15:26 UTC


froxyn April 23 2009, 07:36:05 UTC
Squee Squared! :D


charliemc April 23 2009, 02:18:14 UTC
I sooooooo miss Grissom on the show. (sigh)

I'd love to see this happen. (fingers crossed)


froxyn April 23 2009, 07:36:26 UTC
I miss hearing his voice.

God he's got a sexy voice. *sigh*


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