subject: to simpletons

Mar 09, 2005 18:22

what poet said, "...birds of a feather flock together..." used to cause me to feel so mixed up. other pop phrases like "...don't start me lying"
didn't make much sense either. now i get it. i used to think about the
bird one that i might have to be in a group (class, work, gatherings) that i am not at all like. i know when i'm not like the group i'm having to be around and wait (usually) for an appropriate time to split
without causing myself trouble or without being insulting or too rude.
but now i get it. last year a private corporation bought the rights to house the program i work with. they moved us from our nice little 6 floor bldg with parking almost in the front door to a 21 story bldg with
parking that you have to ride a bus from to get to the front door which means if you live 5 min away like i do, you have to still leave an hour
before work time just to get in ontime. i hate really hate such tallness and places where 3-4,000people are. so i didn't go. i went basically next door to a big place but it's spread out 6 story ranch style. i was hired to set up a new program that the co. that bought us
didn't want to keep. well noone at the place next door wanted to provide these services. to or not to was not my doing i was just hired to set it up. these new people blocked and negated nearly every move i
made. one day about 3 wks into it the mgr over me caused a huge fuck up
that i corrected just in time. i was more than angry. told them so too
and asked what the hell was i doing here since everyone wanted to do the
trial and error thing instead of LISTENING TO EXPERIENCE. i did calm down enough to be civil and redirect where needed. at the end of the day
the fucking up manager said chuckling, "are you okay now, is it all better?" i stopped dead in my tracks as the light bulb came on. i said,
"you know what? now i understand what they mean when they say DON'T START
ME TO LYING?" and i walked off. i was mad all over again. two weeks ago
these same people boss included fucked up again doing the same idiotic
stupid shit piss poor work. and then the other light bulb went off.
all the fucking birds at the 6 story ranch next door place have the same
ugly, uncaring, mess-it-up and let-her-fix-it scraggly feathers. i as fast as i could hand wrote a resignation walked it and put it in the appropriate hands. it's true all the birds in that house are alike...
stupid, unprofessional and worst-instead of being adults and admitting
they "need more information before functioning independantly" they say,
"i know everything there is to know about that and you can't teach me
anything i don't already know". so this bird flew the coop. i guess
i will get used to the 21 floor and thousands of people because there are
birds there i can happily roost with. some grown ups are more like
toddlers than toddlers are. so i'm cool, i won't have to be at work
again for nearly 2 weeks and my kid at home will be on spring break next
week. time to R&R. peace my similarly feathered brother and sisters.
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