(no subject)

May 26, 2012 14:32

We're having truly lovely weather here in my little corner of England and I am loving it. Bright sun, warm weather, slight breezes... We may actually have a summer again this year!! (I apologise in advance to the entirety of my town for possibly now making sure that our summer is terrible by hoping in written form that this beautiful weather continues.)

There is the possibility of a birthday party tonight, but I may very well be boring and old and stay in instead! Although I am not sure to be honest, it depends on how arsed I can be to get ready and call a taxi. I fucking hate phones so hopefully someone will come to my house and phone a taxi for me if I offer them booze otherwise I am all "OH HELLO MR TAXI DRIVER CAN YOU TAKE ME FROM MY HOUSE TO MY FRIENDS HOUSE oh god you need my address, um, okay uh, what is my address, oh shit I have no idea where I live suddenly, oh fuck uh, oh god, um, okay thanks BYE"
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