So, I guess it is post tiemz...?

Nov 08, 2009 01:21

Weeeeeell, even though I'm terribly lazy when it comes to livejournal, I figure I can accomplish this "25 Random Facts About Me" that
elliot_san taged me for because I tend to be pretty random. It seems like a good fit, I'm thinking. XD

Anywho, yes. I would say enjoy, but that might be just a little debatable.

1) I have a habit of eating around the edges of things (hamburgers, pancakes, toast) first.
2) Iowa is pretty much my favorite place in the world.
3) I generally choose to have no maturity whatsoever.
4) I love playing the devil's advocate just for the sake of arguing.
5) Computer games like Caesar and Pharaoh owned my Type-A Personality soul for many years.
6) I am a pre-med student majoring in psychology and  am currently preparing for the MCAT. Which means I'm preparing to die.
7) Somebody could easily turn me into a pile of oatmeal by exposing me to a Shiba Inu puppy.
8) When I was in 4th grade, I fed a tiger by hand.
9) I am a very angry but generally non-aggressive driver. It's mostly a means of entertainment while commuting between home and school.
10) I worked in retail for two and a half months, and now cannot go into clothing stores without spacing hangers.
11) House Curry Rice is like the best food on the face of the planet.
12) Pretty much all the male characters I love possess the same endearing trait of having some serious emotional handicap.
13) I walked off the stage in my one ballet recital (at the tender age of four) because I wanted a pink tutu and tap shoes.
14) I have a baby brother.... who is a whole head taller than me and can sling my over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. u__u
15) Quite frequently, my muse can't decide whether it wants me to write or draw, which usually means I end up doing neither.
16) For a few years, I listened exclusively to the classical radio station (almost no commercials FTW!)
17) I really want to swim with a dolphin someday.
18) I'm pretty sure I have a slightly unhealthy interest in anthropomorphic forms of death. >__>
19) Drawing was pretty much a consequence of writing -- I almost commissioned somebody to draw my characters because I couldn't, and then I just thought it was ridiculous to spend money on something I should be able to figure out.
20) As #19 might suggest, I have a bit of money sense. I even have a retirement fund started.
21) Although I'm a huge cynic of real life relationships, I'm an uber romantic sap when it comes to fictional ones.
22) I've had the same burnt orange backpack since I was in 7th grade. Jansport is amazing.
23) When I read a phrase/passage that I especially like, I will read it half a dozen times in a row to just continue enjoying the awesome.
24) I'm a lefty, and have done enough research into left-handed issues that being at school often sends me into fits of Discriminated Person!Rage.
25) Every time I get into a good rhythm with my writing, I will put whatever song I have playing on repeat until I'm done. I believe this once caused me to have over 200 plays for something in the course of a day.

Hurraaaaay!  Hopefully it's at least mildly entertaining... I tried to put things that were a bit quirkier. That wasn't really necessary, but it seemed like a fun plan. :)


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