Apr 21, 2004 15:22
For starters, I guess the new issue of Penthouse is due out soon. Someone up the line must have memorized what the boxes look like, because every time a crate of Penthouse comes through the terminal, a few make it into our hands to browse. This one was the rundown for the Pet of the Year issue. Anyway, I'm at the end of my particular conveyor, so I am the last to get a look. By the time it makes it down, the magazine is usually pretty beat up, and all I do is take a quick glance and toss it aside. However, today was particularly busy (unusual for a wednesday) and irritating, so I found myself in an impish mood. Barns & Noble is too damn cheap to use more tape to ensure their damn boxes stay shut. So I found one full of womens' health magazines and inserted the rogue Penthouse. It won't appear on the bill of lading, and I hope they just pull the whole stack straight out of the box and put it on the shelf unnoticed.
Managed to schedule with the movers this weekend, finally. I had to argue with the building manager for permission to move in on a weekend. It is against policy, but the information that they themselves sent states: "move in hours are Monday thru Saturday 9am to 5pm. Absolutely no move in will be allowed on Sunday." But it's all good now, I just have to go without a reserved elevator for the afternoon. So a half hour later, I get a call from the travel department; Saturday deliveries charge overtime for the driver, and government relocation policy will not cover it. But they will cover my expenses after I start working until I can move in. Wait, hang on. The additional expense of a saturday move is $75, which the government will not pay. But they will stick the taxpayer with the $300-400 it will cost to delay delivery. Good thing they're always on the lookout for wasteful spending. For the sake of convenience, I have decided to eat the cost rather than stiff each american citizen out of 0.00014 cents.
You can all thank me later.
Worked my last day at the liquor store this afternoon. I never did get a chance to sell cigarettes to a 4 year-old. Pity. In spite of the boring nature of that job, I did enjoy hanging around with the people that worked there, and I will miss some of them.
I can't wait to get the hell out of the FedEx depot for good. Two more days, yo.
Time to get back to packing.