Election Night

Nov 07, 2012 00:03

The Republican party has spent the last 4 years doing everything possible to hinder our nation's recovery from the greatest recession since the great depression. They did this not out of principle but because their ONLY goal was to regain power by defeating Obama.

Glad to see that this did not work. Thank you America for not rewarding their dereliction of duty. I am sure Fox would call it treason if Democrats had tried anything like that.

My only disappointment is that any Republicans won election. I don't say that because I love the Democrats - they are a deeply flawed party - i say this because the Republicans have lost any shed of respect that I used to have for them. Perhaps now they will choose to join with Democrats and start to fix the problems with this country but I have no faith in this. When asked if they would accept $10 of spending cuts for every $1 of tax increases all the Republican presidential candidates refused. When dealing with such fanaticism making the compromised necessary to actually do good by the country is impossible. I foresee more years of lies, distortions, dogma and filibuster. I hope I am wrong but the last 4 years of Republican asshattery have removed most of that hope from me.

Still things could be worse. They could have won this election.
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