to MacBook Pro geeks

Jun 13, 2007 18:07

What do you all use to access serial (RS232) connections from your MacBook Pro? I picked up the Apple USB Modem last night because I'll need to be able to dial out to the out-of-band modems on all our firewalls globally. However, I've learned by experience and several threads on the Parallels forums that Apple USB Modem access from Parallels 3.0 is still hosed. Therefore, I'll need to access the Modem from the Mac side of the world and dial-out that way; however, there seems to be a dearth of terminal emulation tools for the Mac.

Secondly, do you have any recommendations as far as a USB-to-Serial dongle? I'm hearing a lot about the KeySpan dongle.

Today has sucked. I have been sucking everyone else's cock but my own all day, and I am sick of it. We had a vendor in to tweak an application before presenting it to the big boss next week, and all of a sudden we started getting several alarms and e-mails from this application. My boss would not shut up long enough for me to be able to tell the engineer this until much later into the meeting. At that point the engineer said he went in and turned that off. Fine. However, around 4:30 this afternoon, I started getting questions, "What the hell are these alarms?" I think the string of rather loud cussing I uttered turned a half dozen heads all across the IT floor. I went in to the computer room and just unplugged the goddamned son of a bitch from the network, and I even called my boss to tell him I was doing so.

I feel better after doing that and after making a list of things I still need to do to integrate this MacBook Pro better into the corporate environment. (Oh, you didn't know I got an MBP? That's because I've been too busy to write about it. Look for an update tonight.)

I need a walk when I get home.

macbook pro, geek, parallels, rs232

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