Jul 13, 2005 22:40
it all startedthis morning i had a fealing that today was going to be crazy. i got out of bed and relized that i had been implanted in to another place that looked exactly like my room. the only reason i could tell that i was not in my said ROOM was the simple fact the the picture on the south wall was strate. haha thats is were my kiddnapers and faled in there somewhat flawless plain. you see that perticular picture is at a 46 degree angle from the floor, for the simple fact the my fathers last letter to me before he was killed in the accedent, or so the goverment called it, was behind it. now that i knew the i was in an alen place i startedto observe before i acted. in my search i found the my merror on the east wall was a false one and i was now under observation. "what was i under observation for, did i know something, or could i be held for ransome, or was i know a lab rat." who the hell would care. i mean with my father dead and my mother lost in a mentle maze that one cant find there way out of. ahh my mother she had been a great woman, she spent more time as a volinter then actualy getting payed to do the same thing. unfortunetly it had hapon so fast, first my fathers dissaperance,then his unexplaind death, and then the reposetion of our house(now we live with my uncle, i was happy to have my own room). now because of all that stress my lovely mother had a mential breakdown, and now the only thing she can do is sit and stare. so i was now standing in the center of the "crust" that was put there to munipulate my mined. i walked to my door and just stud there cunfused. what was on the other side of this two and a half ince thick door at which seporated me from the rest of the universe. a sence of urgency hite me like a grand piano falling off a sky scraper to the ground below. i walked back a few steps then sundenly, swiftly, and fearlessly i ran and burst throught the door to find my self in a place so far out of the emagination that it was a grave discomfort. about ten feet outside of the box that had been a mock up of a teenages room, i found my self in an abandond wearhouse. well it wasn't abandond now was it, first i was in it and i guess so was my observer. with no idea of were i was i returnd to the cell and broke the glass window that had been a onesided mirror to find a letter. it was true i was alone an someone wanted to comunicate with me. the letter had two words on it "go out side." "well i'm one step ahead of you buddy" i said outloud for no aperent reason. thats about the time i saw it, a tiny wire attached to the glass seemed to be hooked to a home made silent alarm. he wanted me to brake the glass. i walked out side to the shadowed figure wating for me out side this rectangular prisem. "STOP" and thats all the figure said. i asked him in the most unkind way why i was here and who he was. his repliy was most uncomforting, he began with telling me that i had been an assassin at the ripe ol' age of seven for the scottish goverment. then he went on to tell me that i had been the shooter in sevral prim minester assassinations. and that the scottish goverment had pulled me out of survice for sucrity reasons. the entirtime i stud there in shock. then the figure informed me that because of the amount of political situations that aroused after the deaths of many leaders of many powerful nations that I the hunter now became the hunted. my entire family on "The List" the death of my father was no accedent but meerly the work of a skillful assassin like my self i realized. the figgure in frount of me went on, " So with you and your family on the hit list what was a trigger man like my self supose to say to my emploier." "Damn my father was killed by this mad man, me the one that taken away the lives of so many other fathers was now gitting punesched for my wrong doings, but why my family too." in a furry of rage i charged the figger, lunged at him from three feet away and flew right into the four inch stainless steal blade of a skillfully crafted hunting knife. down i went, " this is vary different from the movies i cant move my body is limp" i thought, while lieing on the groud in an ever increasing pool of blood. i watched as the unknown charachter walked out of the wearhouse. i laied ther for what felt like 20 years, just thinking of what i whould have done differently. well i guess it is too late for that, and that was about the time i lost the sence of sight. i was stile alive i had just both the sence of sight and fealing. my body nateraly coughed the blood out of my mouth and that is wene it became know to me that i had lost the abilety to taest. three down and only two to go befor the end of what i have learn in the 18 years of life. sure enough i became unable to hear the water driping down an old water pipe it the corner of the wearhouse. i was lieing there with nothing left to do but die and it was taking the most time possable. i snorted at least i though, and the was it the fant smell of blood was gone. was i dead or still alive in a kind of vegitative state. the final message got to me the message that i was wateing on. it said two words "Go Outside" it was here the message alowing me to leave my body and die permantly.