Sarah's notsofamous running man
o0o0o don't we look like a scary bunch
ahh there we go we look much less menancing there first time on a big ferry so don't mind the random scenery photos
I swear this could be an ipod commercial but i think i'm the only one so far who sees it that way...
ahh yes. the money shot. we were being beautiful creatures on our way to the outlet mall. please don't kill me sarah.
bored in the way too long line to the border. peace arch anyone?
peace arch. (or is it arc?)
and this is why you are my favourite. :)
my reaction to the ..interesting photo op
GAH. SHOES! yes i realize this takes my obsession with penguins too far. but how can you not love them? when i tried esxplaining this to the guy at the store he just kinda stared at me...
trying to recreate visages of joy.
all puffy and nice
sunset on ferry home
water is the essence of life..or something like that.
and so a fun 2 days was had by all. we spent waaay too much money but it was obviously worth it.Abercrombie + Hollister= love. Sarah went a little hay crazy and started blurting out randoms about apple juice and america..but these things are to be expected with her special needs.