http://jackchandler.bandcamp.com/album/time This is my Time EP that I finally managed to finish in time for December woot!
Because I'm lazy I'm just going to copy and paste what I wrote in my facebook page :3
this is it. The 7 months of composition and tweaking come to fruition here.
Please take a listen, even if its just a few songs. :) It's free to stream, get the whole thing for 5 bucks. Thats a cheap number 4 at Burger King's worth of 47 minutes of original music.
The premise is that each of the tracks are based loosely on each hour of time which coincides with its track number. If you want any extra insight on any of the songs, or the inspiration behind it, please feel free to ask. :)
Thanks, love you all, sorry for spammng your inbox!