Nov 19, 2005 23:55
I can't believe I'm already thinking about graduation. I mean, I still have what? 6.5 months of school left, but I can't help but think of life after high school. While graduation seems so amazing, I don't think I'll handle it well.
I can already see myself playing with the NHS Chamber Orchestra for the last time, or singing with the NHS Chamber singers for the last time. I can see myself shaking Mrs. V's hand as I walk up the stairs to get my diploma.
I hear songs about moving on in my head, and they make me think back at all the good times that I have had with everyone.
All the parties we've had together, the lame school dances all of the sudden becoming amazing, homecoming week of 05, my first trip to theatre festival, the first day of high school. I feel like everything was yesterday.
Watching everyone come of age, turning 18, makes me realize that its only a matter of time before we all separate, taking different routes, losing touch with 90% of the people who we once attened school with.
As I look around my room I find remnats of childhood, Disney movies, old lego scupltures that I was once obessesed with, realizing that soon I will have to throw it all away as I move on to a new stage of my life.
I remember watching the little mermaid when iw as 5 and thinking that I wanted to be part of that world... a different world... and now... I'm not so sure.