all we are saying is give peace a chance- john lennon

Oct 05, 2007 21:17

i was amazed by everything on livejournal thats changed since ive been on here last. its nuts. i havent posted in thirty five weeks, longest ever.

my life is a slow stage rite now, but a very good slow stage. i dont drink really at all anymore, ive been dating dustin again for a good while again..who also doesnt drink at all as well. which is fucking awesome & i love it more than anything. im estatic about realizing that i can quit drinking because for a while there i was a little worried. but in the battle of sammi vs. budweiser, i won:]
i still work at county grill six days out of the week, & so does anna. her & nikki moved back from richmond (& so did kt & jme), even tho they wont be back forever, its fucking awesome while they are here atleast. its gonna suck ball when they go, again. working without anna again will definatly blowass times a thousand. 
me & dustin live together at the apt. rite now but are looking for a house/townhouse to move into within the next month or so cause i hate grafton station with a passion. and i hate looking for a place to move, and moving in general..with a HUGE passion. im more than ready to move tho so itll be worth it this time. 
AND im even willing to move outside of the county...well newport news. but whatev thats a big step for me. haha
my dad found out he has a back problem which sucks so thats a bunch of added stress & money shit to the family annoyance level. 
even tho things are kinda magoo at the moment, its still a good place. i love my life & my friends & my family & my job. things will get better & i know it.

i hope everyone on here is doing wonderful & i miss all of you.
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