Austria said I had to make that the title. :P
So yes, finally did a photoshoot with my friends and our chibi!Hetalia costumes! And by "photoshoot" I mean "spontaneously decided to run around my yard in costume before Hungary leaves for the summer."
the hobbit Austria-
zomg_lolz Link Hungary-
lenmana156 Prussia- yours truly
For the last time,'re not going to grow one. Stop pretending.
And then Austria almost actually fell. XD
That is the awesome mutant stump in my backyard. It used to be like, 5 trees grown together, but we had to cut them down. :( But you feel pretty awesome standing on it.
Pussia: /awkward gesture of affection
Hungary: /epic confused face
*facepalms for having her house as the background in those pics* We shall have to try that again somewhere more scenic.
Austria is incapable of epic poses and opts for cute instead.
And then I'm like "adflgjfdlgfd cute sleeping pictures!!1!" and we take a bunch.
Obviously Austria is the girl you give a flower to, silly me giving one to Hungary.
stalk stalk stalk
The whole flower thing is based off by the way. :3
D'aww, Hungary knows I'm there, look at her smiling~
Aw, lookit the cute sleepy Prussia...
lol jk seized your vital regions
Everyone's favorite passtime, beating up Austria! :D
"The Three Musketeers" as my mom called us. XD We don't have many pics of all of us together cause she was too busy to take more. :(
And another ~dramatic angle~ shot to show off the awesome me. >:D
Yatta! \o/ I've been talking about this cosplay long enough, I'm glad I finally have something to show you all~
Things I still need to do
- Makeup. Because I can't photoshop pictures other people take of me at cons. :P (and because I want the world to explode from the irony of me only wearing makeup when dressed as a guy)
- Mess with wig. I'm happy with it overall, except that it's almost like...too small for me. D: Which is weird, cause I have a smallish head to begin with.
- Red contacts???
- Shorten chain on iron cross necklace.
- Get other gloves, cause these are legit winter gloves and my hands melt.
- Eventually make new cape and tunic, as these are made of a bedsheet and a T shirt, respectively.
- Learn to pose without looking retarded or taking 5 minutes to come up with something.
- Practice obnoxious Prussia voice (I've got the "kesesesese!" down, will have to record it for you guys)
- Find non-believers to convert. >:D