My brother's fish ran away today.

May 08, 2010 21:18

Okay, not exactly. But he went to feed it today, and...there was no fish in the tank. 0_o Not even a dead fish floating at the top, it was just empty. Dunno if the cat fished it out and ate it or's just baffling. XD The poor kid's all upset though, guess we have to get him another.

Yesterday was Prom~ But I didn't go, cause I hate dances, I hate dresses, I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't have the money for it. SO. Yeah.

Buuut, our school had an after-prom party thing, that you could go to even if you didn't go to prom, so I went to that with some friends. It was surprisingly un-lame. There was a hypnotist there who did a show, and my friend's boyfriend Tyler was one of the volunteers, and oh my God. FUNNIEST. THING. EVER. He got so into it, it was crazy. When the guy tested the audience, I was pretty much hypnosis-immune. Probably because I learned about it in psychology so I know how it works and can resist it. :P But Tyler, oh man, he had him doing all kinds of stuff. And his/my friend Tory (who's a guy) was up there too. AND IT GOT SO HOMO fadkjglfsdgk. There was one part where he said the person next to you smelled really good. And they were like...sniffing each others' hair and getting really close and we like "ffffff it looks like they're making out *takes blackmail pics*" And then he had everyone doing ballet, and the guys were doing lifts with each other and stuff and I was kicking myself for not filming it. But oh man, I was laughing so hard I was crying, it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Honestly, the main reason I went was cause they were giving away a bunch of prizes. There was an iPod touch but I didn't win it. :( I got a Coldplay CD though!

Based on this picture

Dunno how long it'll take to get this massive thing finished, but I wanted to tell you about it so you get my rainbowtastic sketch. XD

I was going through Durarara fanart and saw a parody of the ending done with TWEWY characters. And then I was like "Why haven't I drawn TWEWY-style Durarara yet?!" Cause I think the style fits Durarara really well, the urban feel and stuff.

I was just gonna do a few characters, but it was so easy to decide who's who in a group pic. Okay, well replacing Sho with Shinra was a stretch, but I needed him in there somewhere. :P
And I didn't want Seiji on a skateboard, so I changed that quite a bit. Gave me room for some text, yay~

I can safely say I've never done a picture with this many characters before...should be a challenge.
Also I never thought I'd draw Simon ever lol

durarara, storytime, life, art

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