Otakon. Was. AMAZING.
Will get a full con report + other pics up later.
But for now, I'd like to be one of the first to bombard the Hetalia comm with pictures, so I'm setting up a big post here. XD
If you have a slow computer this might make it explode )
Anyway, the story of Italy and the Knife (because it was happening right in front of me XD) was that Italy stole it from Belarus and was attempting to threaten various nations with it, til we called over a Germany to keep him from murdering us all ^^;
Ah, okay. The idea of Italy coming after people with a knife is both amusing and terrifying. XD
No, I'm serious XD;; I'll post all those pictures on the comm soon~
It was kind of terrifying, considering it took Austria, Belarus, and me to get the knife away from her before Germany came over...and she kept stealing it back ^^;
...waitaminute are you the Hungary in blue I met outside the Artist's Ally with Prussia and Austria...?
Sadly, no...I think I only spoke with one Canada while I was there and it definitely wasn't you D: I think I know the Hungary you're thinking about, though~
I like talking in strikethrough.
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