[blog] Not as many as I want

Oct 11, 2010 01:01


Let's do a comparison here of comics that Frost has and, er...Reg's "collection."

This is one box of Frost's things. She has two more. It's no wonder I looked slightly daunted by the task of organizing them. Though you really should all have access to the occasionally snarky comments I made while I was typing up the master issue list. Especially when she had the first three issues of Gambit three times.

This artfully displayed thing are...all the issues of things that Reg owns. Well, Batgirl #13 and #14 didn't make it in the picture and before you give me that look, I have the first 7 issues in trade so there. :-P

Also, and this is embarrassing, but you should have seen it the other night when we were organizing comics and I was terrified that I'd somehow lost my Fell #9 (the trade of the first 8 issues was the first comic I'd ever bought and it's still my favourite despite the fact that there hasn't been any for SO LONG). I found it just before taking this picture and was so freaking excited. You have no idea. For some reason, it was in between Olympus and The Flash and not with my other pile of Ben Templesmith things. Needless to say, it was a weight off my shoulders. Now if only those boys would give me more of it.

When we get her trades organized, we'll post that comparison as well. It'll be just as pathetic.

Though, to be fair, I've read a lot more comics than I own. It's just that at this point, I've pretty much exhausted things that my friends have that I'm interested in and y'know, the library. Comics are expensive. Don't judge me or my Ben Templesmith fixation.

sundry: photos, blog: regimus

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