Oct 10, 2010 12:09
Okay, quick update before I go to work.
I'm sorry there haven't been many blogs lately, but for 2 days I was in the land of no internet and the rest of those times, I've been dead tired when I get home from work that I can't think to be creative so we're trying to do things that don't require me to blog.
The origins of this particular version of Reg-Frost speak don't make any sense when we explain them, but most don't.
We'd seen Hot Fuzz when it came out (twice in theatres thank you very much) and there's a scene where Danny and Nicholas are standing in the locker room and it follows approximately as follows:
Nicholas: What were you thinking?
Danny: I dunno.
[Danny sprays himself diagonally with deodorant]
Danny: Pub?
Logically, we would say this when we wanted to go out for a drink.
We're not exactly logical so it gets said when we want to go out for a cigarette.
And now I have to go to work. If anyone wants further elaboration, leave a comment and I'll get to it when I'm home.
blog: regimus