[blog] Boxtopia

Oct 18, 2010 00:30

Hey guys! Sorry for the couple day break on "actual Frostovision" comics. We were kind of burned out from 24 hour comic day (understandably) and needed a break.


As hopefully the lot of you saw yesterday, "Letters to Jim" is now a weekly feature on Frostovision. Blame Josh who demanded "Moar Dear Jim" and the fact that we woke up the next afternoon and decided it was still funny.

For now, if you'd like to submit an anonymous (or not so anonymous) letter to Jim, you can do so by going to the profile of Frostovision, Here! and sending a message to us. For those of you without LJ accounts, I'll get a separate Jim letters e-mail set up within the next couple of days so everyone can have fun and a fictional wolf can continue to communicate...with himself.


As far as boxtopia goes, for those many, many of you who haven't been in my room, it is, in fact, full of boxes. They all serve a purpose and I know exactly what goes in each one where. I have boxes in boxes. It's delightful...for me.

It freaks Frost out to no end, because, she (I think) can't fathom how I can know where everything is in my room simply by what the (mostly) unlabeled boxes are. There is one box that has a label on it, and that box says "Your swim stuff is this box!" because I pull it out so rarely. However, I'm so used to looking at that box with the label on it that I don't need the label anymore. But if I took the label off, the world might explode. It's true!

So yeah. Boxes. They're my anti-drug.

Photographic proof:

Other things of note in the room:

My unabashed dinosaur obsession (the green stegosaurus figure is the one referenced in this comic.)


Homemade Lucius Malfoy "pimp cane"

sundry: photos, blog: regimus

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