NAME: Kins.
AGE: 25.
IM: spins the table
E-MAIL: silence.but.screaming@gmail.com
RETURNING: 1; Aaron Doral.
CHARACTER NAME: Arthas Menethil used to be his name, but now he's just the Lich King. He won't be playing the part of a civilian anywhere.
FANDOM: World of Warcraft.
CHRONOLOGY: Present day Wrath of the Lich King expansion, pre patch 3.3.
CLASS: Villain.
ALTER EGO: I'll put Arthas Menethil here, as even ingame some people still refer to him as that even though the Lich King is now his own entity. It's not something he will be using personally.
[ooc note: In order to understand the Lich King better, and to explain canon mate reactions to him, the history of Arthas Menethil and the events leading to the Lich King are here. It's an essential piece of the Lich King- anyone who knows the Lich King, knows Arthas Menethil.]
Arthas Menethil was a good son. He was Prince of Lordaeron. A paladin, wielder of light, and so dedicated to the people. He was so dedicated, when he went out to help the priests with healing, he came across a woman who had lost a leg to a wolf. After healing her, he wept, shedding tears for the woman he didn't know. Arthas then proceeded to go out and slay three wolves, making a blanket out of their pelts for the woman to use. That sums up how Arthas Menethil was before Stratholme. Before Frostmourne and Northrend. Arthas was known to be dedicated, but also stubborn, and sometimes would go a bit overboard when fighting opponents- nothing major though. He would have made a good king.
Arthas, as much of a good soul as he was, was human and corruptible. He loved the people beyond all reason, though soon a plague was sweeping the lands, being spread by the Legions. It would turn normal being into undead slaves. On a mission, the young Prince came across a town called Stratholme, where the grain had been poisoned with the plague. Arthas knew what it would do to them, and that there was no cure. His dedication shows through, and the young Prince slays the entire town, thinking them better off dead than slaves to the Legion. Thus begins the corruption of Arthas Menethil.
He heard of a relic in Northrend named the Frostmourne, and ancient blade of power. He journeys, striving through thick and thin to get the sword. However, it was possessed by Ner'zhul, an ancient Lich spirit. And, with still being uneasy with the slaughter of Stratholme on his mind, Arthas became the perfect vessel, the Lich would whisper to him, plotting his course over the next year, weaving Arthas's path which would ultimately wind up at the Icecrown citadel. At these points, Arthas's personality begins to darken, he says to people that he no longer feels any remorse for the killings he has done, he leaves people behind, and cares for nothing more than to fulfil the Lich's whisperings in his ear, in his heart and in his soul. Arthas even kills his own father, taking the crown and razing the once great capital of Lordaeron to the ground.
It's easy to sit here and go through the entire history, saying how he fought his way through everything, knowing the Lich's power was waning, and the only way to fix it was to break the Lich's armour out of the frozen ice in the citadel with frostmourne, but I'm sure you have something you need to be doing today. Over the course, Arthas goes from the lightbringing, justice filled and dedicated Prince, to a traitor king, taking down cities; the high elves of Silvermoon, the humans of Lordaeron, the dwarves of Northrend, all to get to the one thing in the end. I suppose it's to highlight just how dedicated Arthas was, though at first it was finding Frostmourne to save his people, to releasing the Lich.
Arthas finally does make it to the block of ice that encases the Lich, all that's in it is a suit of armour arranged as if sat on a throne. On his way up the spire he can hear all the people from the past talking to him, begging him to turn back, that it's not too late. The determination and dedication kick in again, and he ignores them, taking Frostmourne to the block of ice and releasing the Lich's armour. He puts it on, and in that split second, the Lich and Arthas become one being; the new Lich King. "Now, we are one."
And so the Lich King was born. The Lich King started out staying on the Frozen Throne, using his sheer will alone to construct the Icecrown citadel and his army around him. And not only was it an army of undead creatures and abominations, the Lich King helped create the new army of Death Knights to do his bidding. During the four years that the Lich King stayed on the Frozen Throne, he dreamed. The dream was always of himself, Ner'zhul the shaman, and a small blond boy sat at a table. When the time came for the Lich King to fully awaken, he had to make a choice in his dream. He would have to chose between Ner'zhul and the small child. One represented the path of corruption, basically evil. The child represented goodness and loyalty. The Lich King killed the child first. Ner'zhul was impressed, expressing that he knew Arthas would see his side of things. The Lich King then killed Ner'zhul, claiming he would be his own being and belonging to no-one. And thus the Lich King emerged even stronger than he would ever have been under the control of Ner'zhul, now having overtaken the orc shaman.
It didn't take long for the Lich King's presence to become known. He spread a plague through the lands of Azeroth, causing the victims to turn into ghouls. And as good a plan it was, the Alliance and Horde managed to nail it before it spread too far and too quickly. Which was fine by the Lich King; it gave him time to prepare his armies in Northrend. What he didn't expect was a band of Death Knights to leave him and form their own faction against him when finding out that they were just being used by the Lich King as disposable toys. The war against the Lich King was starting. The Lich King wanted to destroy all living things on the planet, consume everything with death. Whether or not he succeeds at that remains to be seen in the game!
Arthas, before and during the journey towards becoming the Lich King was not the most common interpretation of a Prince. Whilst he was arrogant, and sometimes selfish, the greatest part of the human was his empathy towards others. And this, in the end, was what caused his downfall. Sadly though not many of Arthas' best parts carried over when he became the Lich King. The empathy did; as at one point it is said that the Lich King cut out his heart in an effort to detach himself from his human side. It was to stop his empathy and guilt from affecting him and his decisions during his journey to destroy all of Azeroth.
The Lich King is a fierce entity, predominantly wrathful at all living creatures. He sits on the Frozen Throne, watching the world and building up his armies for the sole purpose of destroying all living things. Not a shred of remorse is shown for anyone who dies, there is no guilt weighing this man down any more. Whereas Arthas originally started his journey to help his people, the Lich King intends to finish the journey by killing them all. When he destroyed the cities of Silvermoon and Lordaeron, there was only the thrill of victory. Nothing can even deter the Lich King from what he wants to do, not even old friends of Arthas- and they have tried.
He is a dangerous opponent to have on the battlefield, and off of it. His military knowledge stems from Arthas' previous experiences with the Lordaeron armies. His tactical planning and unwavering patience make him almost unfallable in planning the best moves and the way to advance. This guy sat waiting for four years before even making a move, time has no concept or meaning anymore. And you can't trust him as far as you can throw him either. Even those close to the Lich King, the death knights that he helped create, were used and thrown away at the end like toys. To the Lich King it was fine to do; they were expendable and not important in the grand scheme of things. He's known as the Traitor King for a reason. Deception plays a big part, and there's nothing more than the Lich King likes than causing people to turn on each other with nothing more than a few whispers in the right places. People are easy to panic, and he will use all of these things to his advantage. The Lich King does not see the good in people- only how useful they will be.
It almost sounds strange, but the Lich King can act like a spoiled prince should something not work to his advantage. Wrathgate was supposed to end with everyone dying, and whilst they did, it wasn't the Lich King who caused it. It was the Forsaken, the ones who went on to become undead and living in the ruins of Lordaeron. It smarted so much, and was actually unexpected, that the Lich King threw out a few insults, turned on his heel, and stormed off.
All in all, the Lich King can be called wrath personified. He will stop at nothing until everything is destroyed and dead. He is powerful and knows it, will taunt anyone who tries to prove otherwise, and revels in causing suffering and misery. It is said there is still a small part of Arthas within the being known as the Lich King, but he has yet to come to light in any way or form. Anything along the lines of saying that Arthas can talk through the Lich King is only speculation, and hasn't been proven in the game or the novel at all. Arthas WAS a man tormented by grief and driven to madness in the end, regardless of how much he thought he was trying to help.
The Lich King has two powers and a weapon which has been stripped of the power it holds in Azeroth. Each power comes with what is called a "presence" which is standard attire for all Death Knights throughout the game. If they somehow don't have these presences, it means they're seriously doing it wrong. A presence itself isn't a separate power, but more of a stance that is needed to do different skills and spells in the game. The Death Knight powers all come in three separate branches: Frost, Blood and Unholy. You can only have one active at any given time, each one giving a very slight boost to certain things. Frost is more the defence skill set, blood is the one used for death knights who wish to have healing abilities, and unholy is more for damage and outburst. To limit the Lich King's power to the ingame specs, he's limited to having only two of the presences. It is possible to switch between presences in the middle of a battle, and it can take approximately three to five seconds to do so.
Frost Presence: Increases the Lich King's stamina by a little when active. 6% to be precise. Whilst using this presence, he can use one power-
Hungering Cold: This ability unleashes a freezing cold wind that will encompass a ten yard radius. It will freeze most things, and trap most people from performing an action for ten seconds. It has a 2 minute cooldown, so when it's been used, the Lich King will have to wait that long until he can do it again.
Army of the Dead: This spell allows the Lich King to create a group of ghouls to do his bidding. In the game, this spell is most definitely over powered and so I have brought in a lot of restrictions for it. It will take six full seconds to cast (which can be interrupted if you hit hard enough). Once cast it will create 10 ghouls who will attack anything that moves and lasts for up to an hour. It will have a cool down of a full 24 hours as opposed to the ingame version of six minutes, and will also require the Lich King to have what is called corpse dust. Corpse dust is taken from graveyards, and if he doesn't have any, he doesn't use the skill. Simple as. Also, another new restriction is that the ghouls cannot go further than twenty yards away from the Lich King, or they will explode.
Frostmourne: Whilst not a power, Frostmourne is such a powerful piece of the Lich King that it's going to be taking up the third power slot. It won't bring it's power with it, but it is still an essence of the Lich King.
""Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit."
The blade itself is a runic two handed sword, around five and a half foot long and weighing in at 20-odd pounds in weight. It can cut through the sturdiest of objects
and is easily recognisable from a distance. The blade glows a dim blue, carved with elegant runes, whilst the hilt and handle consist of an ornamented dragon skull. In the game the runeblade can capture the spirits of it's victims, and was a vessel for Ner'zhul to communicate with Arthas throughout the human's journey. That has now been taken out, but it remains a formidable weapon nonetheless.
[The video flickers on and there is the Lich King in all his glory, staring down at the screen with what can only be described as scorn. His surroundings aren't the most usual ones seen on the network, the scenery behind the Lich King that of a graveyard. The man himself is standing rigidly, almost regally, and his sword Frostmourne is almost casually leaning against one of the headstones. When he speaks, his voice is low. And whilst the tone of it may seem calm, every word is dripping with fury and enough to give even the most courageous soul a chill down their spine.]
I do not have the patience for jokes. To take a person from one place to another, give them some hellish gnomish device and some pathetic neck adornments is in the lowest taste. That's not to say it is an ineffective method of removing a threat from a battlefield.
[A pause as the Lich King shifts position, his plated armor clinking with each movement.]
It almost saddens me to see that whomever is responsible for this .... town... is absent. I would very much like to make their acquaintance. They're probably hiding away somewhere, scared to even show themselves. Understandable; all mortals are that way. Spending so much time worrying and fretting over death that when it finally claims them they realize that they wasted their lives, fighting a futile fight. There is no hope at the end of that journey, nothing to save you from the icy embrace of death's cold hands. Nothing, no matter how much paladins talk about it, can redeem anyone.
I would prefer to be back in my world, with my armies preparing for war. And if I cannot go home, or have my armies here, then I will just have to start a new one right here.
[ A hand smooths across the top of a gravestone, slowly gathering up some of the dust that has settled there. The Lich King brings it up before his face, letting the dust fall between his fingers to the ground.]
Every place has it's uses in the end.
The more the Lich King wondered about it, the stranger it all seemed to get. Resting against an ornate tombstone, the plate armor-clad death knight was more than a bit confused. Even now, an hour after he'd come to this world, he was still tossing and turning the logic of it all around in his mind. Blue eyes narrowed as he watched people going about their daily business in the town below, mind going back to the point when he'd taken his first step in a new place.
His plans for Azeroth had been going so well. The frozen continent of Northrend was for the most part compltely under his control. Whatever places left on the island were being pressured on all sides by his scourge armies Ghouls, abominations, demons, undead and all manner of creatures and nightmares were pressing the resistances- it was only a matter of time before they fell and the hordes could move on to Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. The inhabitants of both were already feeling threatened, a well placed plague had done the trick on that. And whilst it hadn't overtaken anything, the current state of worry was equally satisfying to the Lich King.
Tirion was being a pain, and his death knight comrades, but there were plans set in motion to squash those particular bugs. Putting them into action was a different story though; before the Lich King had time to start he'd ended up in a place that was completely foreign. He'd seethed, raged at the room around him, cursed up a storm that would have made an orc blush. It was wrong. It wasn't Northrend, Azeroth or even Outlands. And when the death knight hadn't received a satisfactory answer, he had stormed out, cape billowing behind him as he headed straight for the exit and into a scene that had made the powerful being hesitate for a split second.
However that had been then, and in the space of an hour the Lich King had taken some time to gather up his bearings. It was as if he'd been drawn to the graveyard, finding it with the least trouble. At least in a strange world the graveyards were the same. A place where the dead were honored for a day or two, then forgotten as relatives and friends moved on with their lives. Something else that remained the same. The Lich King ran a hand over the hilt of Frostmourne, double checking that his weapon was still there and almost feeling some sort of relief at the familiar contour of a dragon skull. Still there. If he had shown up without Frostmourne, the Lich King was under no impression that things would have been dire. Turning up in a strange world at a key point in his strategy was bad, but could be turned to an advantage. Applying the same ideals that he'd had in Azeroth was easy. He still had his skills, was still the same being that he had been not a few hours ago. It was just an existence without Frostmourne was one not worth contemplating, and the Lich King could feel his mind recoiling at even the slightest idea of it.
Where Arthas had originally strove to save his people, the Lich King strove to destroy them. And if that meant he would have to destroy everything in a different world before he could go home, then so it would be. He would teach the "heroes" in the city a thing or two; heroes always fell the hardest when they took a good look at what it was they were fighting for. There was nothing better than destroying hopes, dreams and mentalities before destroying the body. The white haired male held the dog tags up to his face, lips curling into a derisive smile as he studied the name on them. Arthas Menethil indeed. Perhaps the people here should have done their studies first! With a laugh that caused birds to fly from the trees nearby, the Lich King tossed the dog tags away.
He was no-one's slave but his own.
None that I can think of, except for the fact that he's around seven foot something tall, and built like a brick house. And not the most tech savvy person around, so he won't be doing anything private for some time and typing for him will come out with lots of typoes.