Title: Like Absinthe (I'll Always Come Back to You)
Rating: Obscene.
Length: Over 22k.
Pairing: Frostiron a.k.a. Loki/Tony Stark, Tony/Rumiko Fujikawa (temporary), mentions of Loki/OFC.
Warnings: Character death (temporary)! Themes of cheating (Loki is married to the OFC).
Disclaimer: All artwork is based on characters and situations owned by Marvel Comics. No copyright or trademark infringement, or offence is intended. All characters depicted in sexual situations are above the age of consent.
A/N: Thanks a million to Mizstorge who beta’d. MIZZY YOU ARE THE BEST. She couldn’t actually edit stuff because of problems with her computer, so every little typo you find is ALL MINE AND NOT HER FAULT. If you have the time and wanna do it, please feel free to point them out!
Married and living in Japan for the past year, so very far away from a certain mortal, Piotr thought he was finally free. But just when his new life were starting to feel a worn-in pair shoes, Tony comes crashing down into it.
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