updating about WHY MY UPDATES SUCK!

Nov 07, 2004 19:18

I've decided that this is a very boring journal.
I can never think of anything to say.
My entries are always either really short or really stupid or just plain dumb. Yes, dumb and stupid are synonyms, but whatever. What to do about this gigantic influx of brainlessness? I wish I knew. It's almost as if I have lost inspiration, or that my daily activities just don't merit attention....
I don't know. There is a lot going on, but it's not really the record-in-journal type thing. I sit here staring at the empty "Entry" box, knowing that I want to write SOMETHING, but I just can't think of anything that would hold attention... as can be seen by my last couple of pointless entries. I mean, where's the fun in updating if you've got nothing to say? There isn't any! For the reader or me. So here I am... again, and if you read this then you must be really, really bored because I'm not saying anything intetesting. This is a blatent waste of time, which I'm happy to waste because I don't want to do my pointless English essay-of-doom. So yeah. Once upon a time there was a girl named Katie and she had a livejournal. She would update all the time because she had nothing better to do and all her updates were really pointless and random and full of nothing interesting. The end. Woo great story. Hey, we've got Thursday off! I just realized that. That makes me really happy. Much more happy than this random update of pure nothingness. Because that's what it is. Nothing, nothing, nothing- a bunch of meaningless words on a webpage that you read if you've got nothing better to do. Or if you're holding out for something interesting that I JUST MAY THROW IN! You'll be waiting a long time for that. Haha there might not be anything interesting at all and you're just wasting your time! Unless you, like me, have nothing better to do. Although I technically have better things to do. I'm just not doing them. Which is annoying my mom like crazy. But hey, you're only young once. THAT'S RIGHT! Which means you have to live. Do things you'd never thought you'd do... it's never to early to start. Hah yeah way to be, Katie- way to throw in some meaningless advice that you barely follow. Pot calling the kettle black. Another reason why my entries are just plain horrible. But hey, maybe something will happen to fix my entries! Maybe some miracle will occur and make me have something to talk about. But I doubt it. There's a bump on my head from soccer today. There are probably matching bumps on Erika's and Mariel's. But that's okay. That was quasi-interesting, right? No, no, Katie- you're deluding yourself again. Terrible. Katie talks in third person. Katie is cool! Hahaha yeah. Katie is also very, very bored. Very bored. Bored to the 100000000th power. AND NOW SHE'S THROWING IN MATH TERMS! Talk about nerd. NERD! Hmph. It was once thought that there could be no female nerds, but I think I broke that barrier. The glass ceiling! To quote Gen. Yeahhh Gen's cool! Hahaha good times in History. That class is random. I need to start my government project! But knowing me, I'll procrastinate and it will never get done. *sigh* I'm currently talking to people about the value of trust. Don't break it, it really pisses people off. That's pretty much all I have to say on that subject. I mean, sometimes you can forgive people... especially if they're absolutely adorable about it. Because that can happen. There are quite a few people who are just absolutely adorable in general. Amazing, too. And perfect. Etc.*cough* sorry. Aaaanyway... it's really dark outside. And this entry sucks just as much as all my other ones. But I'm killing time, so it's all good. Hmm I bet this entry isn't as long as I think it is. Currently I'm staring at my World Series hat that my EX-stepdad dropped off for me. Hmph. No matter how nice he is to me it doesn't make up for being a COMPLETE ASS to my mom. It is a nice hat though. NO! I can't be won over by presents. *bad Katie* Hahahah jk. KF- potassium fluoride, my initials- the nickname lovingly bestowed upon me by Mrs. Bauer. WHAT A TEACHER! Lmao the Bauerhour and the Bauerandahalf. Hahaha good times of learning NOTHING! I have to do a report on a famous author for English. It's a big project. I should be working on it now. But I'm not. Instead, I'm updating about sucky updates. I'll probably go to bed early too because I'm so darn bored. That's a great motive. Ah well, sleeping is fun. So is sleeping WITH someone! But I wouldn't know. lol. Yeah way to be. Anywho, I think I'm almost done... winding down on this stream of blah-ness. If you read all this, you're amazing. And obviously really bored!!! Are you killing time, like me? Or are you genuinely interested in what I have to say? I'm not too optimistic about the last one. My history teacher has started to say Choke-y doke instead of okie dokie. He's a character, that's for sure. And a Yankees fan. I find it interesting, the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry. I wonder if the teams feel the same as the fans? Or if the fans have just spiraled everything out of control? I defer to the latter. Also, what happens if the Red Sox are horrible for the next few seasons? There's so curse to blame- everyone always needs someone or something to blame. There's no superstition to fall back on. So what happens when they start to lose? Hmmm? It'll be interesting to see. I'm almost hoping they lose just to see what happens. Maybe people will start moaning about the RETURN OF THE CURSE! Hahaha who knows. Hmmm I haven't checked my favorite webcomic yet. I'll have to do that after I finish this giant nothing. Which is all it is! A giant waste of energy, but hey, I'm burning calories by typing! Get rid of some of that halloween candy excess. Lol. It's soo good and so hard to stop eating! Yes, Katie, we know- your last pointless entry dealt with that subject. And MAN was THAT the epitome of stupid entries! At least the little "full" star was cute. Anyway, I'm going to go, because you'll probably just get mad if you have to read anymore and I don't want to be the cause of a car crash. If you drive. Because, according to Lou, you always drive badly when under emotional stress. Or something like that. I like driving. I have my driver's ed final tomorrow. Crap. I bet I'll fail. That would be interesting.
Well, I won't bore you to tears anymore with this entry of pointless crap.
~over and out~
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