Drive-by recs

Aug 01, 2009 22:16

I've been recc'ng sporadically with BB but I thought I make a semi-decent list. Saying that, the first is not a BB but man, it's a doozy.

Want to have a nightmare? This by wanttobeatree is scary as hell. Not because of gore or violence, but because of the imagery she weaves, as the world decays around Sam.

The Wildest Swan by selenheart is a sweet but sassy BB story that takes a bunch of fairytales, shakes them together, and then serves the concoction with a tart lemon in a crystal champy glass. So it's all good. It's J2/AU and hardcore R but still ... fairytales! With anime drawings by yumezaka who is responsible for the icon.

Hit the Ground Crawling is not your average h/c fic. Though it's Dean who is mute, it's Sam who's actually the wounded one. I can't really describe the story well, but elmo_loves_me did a great job showing that even without his voice and damaged from his time in Hell, Dean is still very much the big brother that Sam so desperately needs. There is wincest, and vivid descriptions of Dean's injuries from his trip downwards. It's 28k but b/c of the way it's written, it's a real fast read, not to mention a satisfying one.

Star Wars, one of my all-time personal favorite epics, have been deanandsam-ed by __tiana__. If any of you are familiar with her writings, then you know that she can unequivocally succeed in blending the two seamlessly. Of course Kripke said as much in one of his interviews, but to see it laid out here, for one's perusal is something else. Again, it is a quick read, and since both worlds are familiar to most of you guys, it is one hell of a ride. Again, wincest, but seriously - it's __tiana__ so go hither and don't dither about.

Crush by sonofabiscuit77 is a hard one to peg. The POV jumps but the change only enhances the impact of the story. The main antagonist is a teenager who is coming to terms with his sexual feelings by falling head-over-heels in love with Dean, his boss and the owner of the popular local garage. Unfortunately for the kid, Dean's got a partner named Sam who's one scary SOB. And his POV? Damn correct. Sam is both nurturing and terrifying to behold. He has managed to tamper down his darkside, but it flares on occasion: mainly where Dean is concerned. I can't give away more than that because it would ruin the pleasure of unraveling how the Winchesters ended up playing normal. However, I can say this is a 'curtain' fic in that the boys have set up house and putzing about like civilians. It should be obvious by now that this story contains Wincest, but don't let that deter you (though looking at my f-list I don't think it will). Dean and Sam's voice are dead accurate, and the magic ... curse ... thingy ... definitely belongs to SPN-land.

Now this story hits two of my buttons. First, it's a case fic, and it takes place in the MET! Yes, NYC! And benitle has the two boys basically going homeless for most of the story b/c she knows the hotels there would cost arm, leg, and maybe little Dean! Anyway, yes - case fic which we all need to tide us over the summer, and there is Wincest but museum!fic! With Sam and Dean in uniform! Also, Dean has little compunction shooting up priceless antiquities which is all sorts of hilarious, or horrifying: take your pick. The man and his boomstick...

I've read that there are opinions floating about that 2009 BB fics are sub-par. I can't disagree strongly enough. Authors who have returned have definitely polished their talents until they have surpassed their previous offerings, and those who are new (including yours truly) have struggled mightily to match that bar. That in it of itself is nothing to roll eyes at. Anyway, if a story doesn't suit you, just click on the next one. You're bound to hit something that will keep you up until 4 AM. Trust me.


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