Title: Patience and Fortitude, Part II of II
Rating:PG-13 for language
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers up to season 3.06
Disclaimer: Kripke won't play fair, so they're still his.
Summary: Sam finally has a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream. Unfortunately he has to go on a hunt to get it.
Part II )
Comments 5
Sam and Dean getting to splurge and take in the sights in Manhattan for a few days made me smile. The boys so deserve a vacation like that.
This was just plain fun! Well-plotted and nicely paced, this moves along just like an actual episode, and I *loved* it that what seemed like the fix ... wasn't. They still had work to do.
Plus your sense of place is wonderful and really put me *right there*, and the catacombs of the NYPL were absolutely creepy, especially when the shadows started moving and stuff! Meep!
Heh, and Sam and Dean are so perfectly Sam and Dean, such brothers. Yes, definitely they deserve a posh night on the town, after all the beatings they take! I'd love to see that happen on film. *G*
So, yes, this was good, a rich, plotty story I can sink my teeth into. This is what I like to read and hope to learn better how to write. Thanks so much for sharing!
Cheers ~
love New York casefics, and this is awesome ♥
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