
Oct 02, 2011 19:50

The baby's been sleeping through the night for ... three weeks now.

Go us!

So, I'm going back to writing. I have an original fic in mind, and since it's Lovecraftian, it's perfect for Halloween. And no, there won't be any Sam and Dean running around 'cause even those boys would have a hard time handling the monster rolling inside my head.

October is probably my favorite time of the year b/c of all the horror movies being released. Unfortunately Dream House wasn't. It was marketed as one but it turned out to be a psychological/supernatural thriller. And it SUCKED! OMG, WTFBBQ! How in hell did they rope in the A-listers for this train wreck?! What? Did Morgan Creek hold guns to the actors and the director's heads 'cause that's about the only plausible explanation I can come up with!

So why did I go see it when it rated like 8% at Rottentomatoes? Because it's a horror movie.


However, I'll probably park my disappointed ass in the theater for Texas Killing Fields. I don't have high hopes for it but hey, it's Papa Winchester and the Great Wood from Down Under. Yeah, I know Sam Worthington is billed as the next Russell Crowe but I just can't see that happening. His best acting was in Rogue and that was about a killer croc terrorizing a boatload of tourists. Actually, that was a good horror movie from Down Under so there may be hope for Mr. Wood yet.

Do you know what horror fans are? We are the world's greatest optimists. That's what we are.

film, rogue, wtf, original fic, lovecraft, sam worthington, dream house

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