Just FYI on fat myths

Sep 18, 2004 13:11

Sorry but I figure if I have this journal, I may as well use it for something meaningful...So I copied this from the ISAA site.

Doctors and scientists and government specialists have long claimed that people who are "overweight" or "obese" are at higher risk of dying at an earlier age because of increased risks of various diseases. The same specialists have supported their findings by referring to increased mortality rates due among people of larger sizes. As a result, the medical community has released alarming findings to the media, claiming an "obesity epidemic" which should have the whole world in an uproar to find ways to better control weight such as various forms of weight loss, including weight loss surgery.

In fact, what the world should be in an uproar about is even more disturbing:

Many of the medical and scientific studies on obesity and weight loss are funded by pharmaceutical companies which stand to benefit from the development and sale of weight loss drugs like Xenical, Meridia and even Fen/Phen

Doctors too often prescribe weight loss before treating the original ailments which brought their patient to them, even though the patient's weight often has nothing to do with their ailment. This results in delay of treatment, which leads to worsening of the condition and/or permanent pain and suffering to the patient

Insurance companies either do not insure people over a certain size (usually starting around 300 pounds) or double their premium rates. This can also result in fat patients not seeking treatment for their ailments

Weight loss is big business, over $40 billion a year -- and yet no permanent form of weight loss has been discovered. Most weight loss methods result in temporary weight loss, for most people about 5 years or less, and often result in weight regain, plus additional weight gain

Weight loss surgery does result in significant weight loss but weight regains of 40% - %50 are normal, and over time, people often regain all of the weight they lost. They may also have to live with painful or uncomfortable side effects.
Consider also that, even if they do not have side-effects, the procedure is described by credible medical sources as "induced anorexia" or "induced bulimia," both of which are serious eating disorders

Eating disorders are at alarming proportions in the United States and across the globe, wherever Western ideals have been introduced. Eating disorders in Hollywood are epidemic and yet, these actresses (and actors) are still hailed as role models, especially by young adults

Go on about your day.

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