I'm bored

Apr 24, 2004 03:39

I've been in a decent mood. Now that I have gotten my dress, the rest of the wedding plans are moving along nicely.

I haven't played with my puter in so long that I'm just tweeking the system and playing around with it. I downloading a new LJ client so I'm just playing around. Ignore me..

1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"Then I'm on display," Piter said. "Shall I dance? Shall I perform my various functions for the eminent Feyd-Rautha-" ...that was Dune.

2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
A piece of scrap paper and an old video-card.

3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?
MST3K "Earth Vs. The Spider"

4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what time it is:
3:15 AM

5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:
Wow, no shit, it was 3:15 AM.

6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
The other 2 computers....

7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
When I let the dogs out to potty about an hour ago. I was just watching them and waiting for them to finish.

8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
Neopets stuff....of course....

9: What are you wearing?
A purple and blue camoflauge tank top and gray sweat pants...it's bedtime...

10: Did you dream last night?
About kittens that I had tried to Criogenically Freeze for some reason or another and suspend them in a cocoon. They thawed out before I was ready and somehow they had a chemical from the freezing on them that caused to of them to loose their sight. I had them in a sink trying to wash the chemical off of them (there were about 12 of them) and they kept falling down the drain. I tried to get them all out but a little white one just kept slipping out of my hands and went down the drain.

11: When did you last laugh?
I chuckled listening to my son tell me about the Gwar concert...

12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Green paint and a Moltar action figure.

13: Seen anything weird lately?
Dude, I work at an emergency vet. Most of what I see is weird to people who don't work with animals.

14: What do you think of this quiz?
And you may ask yourself...Why am I taking this? And you may say to yourself...Am I just wasting some time?

15: What is the last film you saw?
Well the last time I went to the movies, it was to see Hell Boy. But the last movie I watched at home was Cabin Fever.

16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
A truck.

17: Tell me something about you that I don't know:
Hell, I don't know, my life is pretty well open to the public.

18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Instill in all people the wisdom to care about others and make them see that we may all live our own lives as we choose while feeling secure enough to allow others the same curtosy.

19: Do you like to dance?
With myself...

20: George Bush: is he a power-crazy nutcase or some one who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
I think he is an idiot frat-boy who happened to stumble upon the One Ring.

21: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Brooklynn Kennedy Smith

21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Don't have to imagine that one...his name is Nicholas Byron Wertz.

22: Would you ever consider living abroad?
Only if she has no pets and doesn't smoke...ba-da chiii....Ummmm No.
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