Well, I woke up today in a relatively good mood and things just have gotten better!
Luppybutt wanted my help to fill out her tax info for her new job, not that big a deal overall; but she and I have been feuding for years. The fact that she was civil, and truly, she was downright pleasant! Made my day.
Matt and I are solid, and for the first time in years, I'm looking forward to Valentines Day. Yes, I do realize that it is a commercial bs holiday, but I really am hoping that Matt will do something sweet. At least flowers, please god, flowers. not roses, because the florist jack the prices to hell for V-day, but flowers of some kind. Tulips and daffodils would be fantastic, but even though retarded carnations will do. I'm thinking of what to get Matt, but as he is a snoopy bugger, not going to post it here.
Angie is home for a week before school starts again and I hope to addict her to at least 2 new anime series. Add that to a busy work schedule, trying to make time to see both friends and Matt and to plan my trip to Anime Boston, and I and a crazy girl! Crazy, but happy.