Hi internets!

May 10, 2013 16:12

 So as usual, it's been months and months since I last posted; sorry internet, I will try to suck less! Here are some things you might want to know!

--My dissertation proposal is scheduled for Monday. It's going to be fine! But OH GOD. My topic is the best, though. THE ABSOLUTE BEST.

--Iron Man 3 was awwwwwwwwwesome. Banter and h/c and subversion of tropes and TONY TONY TONY and also PEPPER. Hell yes.

--STAR TREK STAR TREK STAR TREK I hope I don't die of anticipation before next Friday.

--stilllllllllllllllllll working on the longest story ever. Someday it will be finished! But that day is not today. Blame it + point 1 above for my long internet absence(s)! All my fannish energy goes towards FINISH THE TREK WIP these days.

--Except for how I took a break to write a little porn as a last Star Trek XI hurrah before next Friday. Watch this space!

--Though even that is briefly stalled because of the mutant death flu, which has had me in its clutches since Monday and has certainly not let up quite yet. (Please please please be gone before NEXT Monday, mutant death flu!)

--On the other hand, the mutant death flu let me stop in one place for long enough to catch up on the last eight (no, seriously) episodes of PERSON OF INTEREST.

Which: oh my God I LOVE THEM. Especially Shaw. Shaw IS THE BEST FOREVER. I love her backstory and her Cole and her badassness and how she is in polar opposition to Reese--she's such a great foil for him, because they have basically the same training and skill set, but he has all of the feelings (all of them) and she is just like, what are these feelings that are all over your face ALL THE TIME? I also love how she's cast in such clear opposition to Root--they both of them have difficulties caring about people, they're both incredibly badass, they had that fantastic little torture exchange (Shaw is also amazing in that she gets around my sub!lady squick, although I suppose all she really professed was straight-up masochism). They also both made awesome jokes about Reese being Finch's dog, THANK YOU LADIES FOR BEING CORRECT.

Basically, as I'm sure is old news to anyone who's been watching: I love Shaw, and I love that (as so often on PoI) a character that had no ladyparts-related reason to be female is, and is so awesome.

Specifics as to the last couple of eps--I'm glad now that I know nothing about computers, because I've seen a few wow-that-wouldn't-work comments. Which is totally legit, but mostly I'm happy that there's nothing getting in the way of me being able to say, oh man, the Machine created a data-entry company to keep itself alive every night AWWWWWWWWW. MACHINE.

That said, I'm so conflicted about Finch's decision about the memory erasure! Like, on the one hand, I see his point; no one wants to be the dude who created Skynet, and the Machine could totally be Skynet. On the other hand: Finch, the Machine LOVES you! (And I am now, actually, curious about how the Machine really feels about Finch, given said decision. Like, is it conflicted? Finch was holding it back! But Finch is its daddy! Could Root be the girlfriend from the wrong side of the tracks whom it'll use to spread its wings from under Daddy's strict thumb? On the other hand, Finch has now set it free, so maybe it doesn't have so many issues. And clearly it still cares about Finch no matter what Finch has done. SO CURIOUS.)

Another thing I really, really love is how Reese had basically no emotional issues with Finch in the finale. Like--his little, "no," when Shaw asked if Jessica was alive BROKE MY HEART, but when it came to Finch, it seems (as far as I recall, anyway) like essentially nothing was in question. Finch would've had reasons for anything he did with the laptop; Finch would've tried as hard as he could to save Jessica; Finch would also obviously have reasons for going with Root. Reese still follows Finch because Root is dangerous and he's not leaving Finch alone with her, but once they find Finch, he'll do what Finch says. It's all so exactly right.

I will admit that I didn't quiiiiite buy that they (Shaw especially, but also Reese) would just leave Root alive. Like, when Shaw walked over to her after they broke into the warehouse, I legit expected Shaw to just shoot her in the back of the head execution-style. On the other hand, I'm willing to overlook it because I'm glad that Root isn't dead and SUPER curious to see what the Machine's going to have her doing.

I likewise found it hilarious, as always, that "But the NUMBERS! How can we LET THESE PEOPLE DIE??" argument basically ignores the existence of any people outside of New York. I get that the show wouldn't really work otherwise, but, well. Sorry, other people! No one cares about you.

On the other hand, Finch's face when he found out that he'd doomed Nathan by shutting the irrelevant numbers down. HIS FACE. He really does understand Reese's soul-sucking guilt over Jessica, doesn't he? FIIIIIIINCH.

Re: Carter, I wasn't all that in love with the Beecher storyline, but I am SUPER curious to see what the Carter + Elias Team might do, even briefly. We've seen before that Elias is grateful when people save his life, and man, I want to know how that plays out in Carter's case. I also kind of loved her and John's exchange where they were both like, "Guess I have too much shit going on in my life to deal with your issues right now, talk to you later!"

Which all of it makes for a totally different season finale from last year's. About which I am sort of GRATEFUL, because frankly, just waiting half an hour between 1x23 and 2x01 was REALLY DIFFICULT; if they'd pulled something like that again, I would have been a total wreck. On the other hand, it's interesting to me that last year, the finale wrapped Carter and Fusco up solidly in Reese and Finch's net o' problems and issues (though now I am wondering how much of that was 1x23 and how much was early season 2), whereas this year, the cop-issues and the Machine-issues have diverged, and I'm really curious about if and how they'll be bringing them back together.

In conclusion: Finch and Reese go to the movies together. I can't even textually render how delightedly surprised I was at that opener to episode Hurricane And Locked Room Mystery. MOVIE DATES. Movie dates! MOVIE DATES!

Now time to catch up on Elementary!
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