May 23, 2013 13:26
I don't know if it's true on not I'm still trying to find where they list the "rules" but I heard that PA now requires you to wear a life jacket if you are on or in the water... including while you are swimming or in a boat... I know the you are required to have sufficient life preservers on board a boat but if I'm on a 25 foot pontoon boat that is anchored in water that barely comes up to my boobs I sure as hell am not going to put a life jacket on. If I as an adult choose to jump off the boat and swim I again am not putting one on.
I used to swim competitively and I like to keep in practice and wearing a life preserver sort of defeats the idea of speed by creating drag. I totally get the need to wear one for activities like water skiing but they also are saying you need to wear one while sitting in a boat and fishing... I hear they quietly passed this law to try and raise revenue for the state since it is a fine-able offense. I took a peak at the parks and recreation web site and it didn't say anything but it also hadn't been updated recently.
All I can saw is that I'm getting tired of Pennsylvania adding more and more frivolous fines and taxes for just about everything, don't even start me on the "occupational privilege" tax. I can totally understand some of the safety rules but there comes a time when it is just too much bullshit. I need to find out what is true and what is not because the season to be out and enjoy the local water ways and parks is upon us and if they are going to insist I wear a life jacket while I do paddle board yoga in water that is less than 4 1/2 feet deep than it's time to ditch this nanny state, I'm an adult I can be responsible for my own decisions... if they can trust me with a fire arm they should trust me enough to be able to know if I can swim or not and really in most places I can just stand up if I don't feel like or want to swim, it's not like there are any rapids or really swift currents to worry about where I go.
life's hassles,
escaping pa,