Everything is a go! Daytona Beach here I come!

Feb 09, 2023 17:54

I have been approved for my apartment! My job begins on the 27th! and I already gave notice at my current job. I am going to remind them that I am supposed to get weekends off since they keep putting me on the schedule anyway. If they aren't going to give me my weekends then I want at least two days off a week until I leave and I want them in a row not spaced out over the week. No more of this 64 hour a week / 6 days a week crap, I'm salaried so I've been getting screwed over since July... I mean what is the worst she can do? fire me? I'm already gone in a couple of weeks anyway so I'd get more time to move... I dare her to try.

The manager above her is pissed I'm leaving and when she got the whole story she offered me a transfer out but I had already committed to the new place. She said if I want to come back she'd put in a good word for me.

life's hassles, good news, projects

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