I can't keep this up...

Nov 05, 2022 18:47

They keep promising that it will get better... it's been a year, we're on our third director, we have been through 3 executive chefs, and we are still having issues. It's just getting worse. At least when I was filling in for call offs and such with the first director I got comp time since I'm salaried. Now I'm working 50-60 hour weeks, 6 days a week, and a heavy sprinkling of 12 hour shifts trying to not only do my clinical work and charting but I'm basically doing every position in the kitchen and not getting an extra $$ or time off, in fact I lost out on a lot of PTO time because I couldn't use it. It has been getting steadily worse over the last year and I'm tired.

I get one day off a week to try and catch up on all the laundry, housework, and whatever else I need to do. I don't bother going grocery shopping since I don't know if I'll be home to eat the food and I'd rather not waste it... If I was getting paid for the extra time I'd try to stick it out but I know one reason they have me doing it is that they don't want to pay any of the hourly people overtime as well as they are just running out of people and we don't have any new hires coming in.

I was misinformed in June when I tried to leave for another job and since then nothing good has been offered. I tried to transfer to another location and wasn't considered because they can't afford to lose me here. I have a job interview Monday for a position I'm not thrilled about in a location that is more expensive to live in but I need to get out of here... If it's a reasonable amount of work for a decent and livable salary I'm probably taking it to escape this place. I'm not really thrilled about going to that part of Florida but if nothing else it's a step away from this place.

All I feel like doing when I get home is lying down and sleeping and on my day off I just want to lay on the couch and cry. I have so much I need and want to do but just no energy or enthusiasm to do anything... I need to change something.

life's hassles, whining, rants

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