Nov 12, 2018 18:48
I'm just swamped with this internship. I get up at 5:30 am and then I'm off to Valhalla, NY. Fun fun fun... I hate the drive. I put in at least 8 hours plus projects and assignments for no money, in fact I paid them almost $10K to do this. I've had all sorts of problems getting the experiences I'm supposed to have and I am beginning to think getting a degree was the stupidest move ever.
I was planning to do things like write but at this point I'm tired all the time and I can't sleep and keep having anxiety over things I can't do anything about. I need this done and over with.
If nothing else at least I can saw I finished something. I do plan to finish the stories I have started and not yet posted but I have no idea when. I hope you all are having a better time than I am...