I'm so tired...

Nov 22, 2014 14:09

There used to be a time when I looked forward to the Holidays, work finally posted a schedule for this coming week that starts on Sunday the 23rd and goes until the 30th... They got it up Thursday night that's 3 days before it takes effect and it seems they have forgotten all about the fact that I'm a full time college student that requested no more than 20 hours a week.

This week I got assigned 2 five page papers, 1 two page paper, a formal lab report and a new group project that needs to include a power point as well as the usual reading, studying and skills practice for my certification practical... so what do I see on the schedule??? 30+ hours and the only days off are Tuesday (because I told them that I can't work at all since I have classes until 9pm) and Thursday because the store is closed on the Holiday... I have no clue when I can get the homework done as if I'm not in class I'm at work, I have today off and I've been trying to get as much done as I can. I'm taking a break because right now if I don't look at something non school related I'm going to scream.

I did mention at work that school comes first and if I can't get things done than I have no issue saying I quit and walking out like the 3 other people in my position that did in the past two weeks. It doesn't help that we get the same pay as the cashiers and yet are expected to take on so much more responsibility and have to do so much more. I'm feeling a bit frustrated as well since once the new minimum wage goes into effect in January my last two raises won't count for much as they are still going to have to bring me up to meet the minimum and I doubt the raises will carry over.

I registered for 18 credits next semester and I'm planning on taking as much as I can over the summer so I can get my transfer to a four years school going. I want my real life and a decent career type job again... I also want to move out of my parent's place... it seems that when you move back in you get treated like a 16 year old again... I can keep track of time, I know when I need to go to class, I can remember to eat, I don't need the constant criticism of my driving or any other thing dad decides to pick on that day. I'm an adult and have been able to take care of myself for years now. I love them dearly but they are driving me crazy... I really don't want to hear about my weight or diet since I'm a size 2 and eat healthy... so what if every once in a while I treat myself to a Milky Way or a glass of wine?

school, life's hassles, family crap, whining, rants

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