Aug 12, 2013 21:30
I got up and managed to not drag too badly on my run... did 5k, so now I know I can do it I just need to bring up the speed a bit and that I can work on. I managed to deal politely with a client the entire office keeps hoping will finally just go away and find someone else to handle his account. I also managed to get a decent amount of sorting and cleaning done in the spare room.
We did have a bit of excitement this evening, police cars and an ambulance... I watched for a bit to see what was going on since it was pretty quiet and the bars didn't seem to have anything going on. My downstairs neighbor was taken away in the ambulance but she seemed to be chatting with the EMT so I'm guessing what ever the issue it wasn't too dire. I keep hoping she'll start taking care of herself, she's 76, diabetic, overweight and in the past few years I've had to let myself into her place to help her out... luckily I can hear her when she yells since she has a habit of leaving her phone out of reach and if she falls she can't get back up. She also tends to go out drinking which I'm sure isn't very good for her, she drove home a bit beyond the legal limit once that I've noticed and fell in the parking lot... it took two people walking by and me to get her up and into her apartment. I keep hoping that her kids or grand kids will at least stop by and help her out but I've never seen them drop by. I try to help out with carrying her groceries and such but our schedules don't really line up.
Not much else going on... I'm sort of bored now that I don't have anything to get ready for but it's nice not having too much to do, I can relax... I have to figure out what I want to do for Labor day... I have a 4 day weekend and my plans to go to NY sort of got scrapped as my parents are going to be on the other side of the country. If I had thought ahead more I'd have made a trip to DC or something but I was expecting to do the family thing.