Jan 16, 2009 16:15
Today is the SIXTH anniversary of my fateful life-changing injury.
Six years is a long time for constant chronic pain to be affecting me.
I'm kind of surprised I haven't totally cracked by now...
I wish all the time that I was better and I am really working hard to help my body be a stronger and more durable machine.
I'm going to the gym a lot, although not every single day because my back needs rest time sometimes.
I'm working with a personal trainer who is not only trying to help me get my body stronger, but help me look amazing nekkid again someday.
I'll post my workout schedule soon. They say that it's all about diligence and motivation. Determination to do whatever I can to help it along. I am in a better place than I was a few years ago, but it is such a slow process that feels like a plateau most of the time.
I often get very frustrated and honestly could use a good counselor someday...