Aug 19, 2008 00:50
Things are slowly getting better with my freaky health... either that or I'm just getting better at dealing with the weirdness. My arthritis stuff feels better in my hands, wrists, and forearms but not so much in the knees, hips, toes, and ankles.
My skin issues are still in the sensitive zone but I was able to go to the State Fair today with Tate, Kirk, and Jason. I figured that I would get a lot of walking done which is good exercise for me. I really needed it.
We saw Weird Al and sat the grassy knoll in the cold cold wind.
We got to pet donkeys and llamas, pot bellied pigs and wallabys. They were amazing and looked uncomfortable.
I fell in love with a deer who kept trying to eat people's shirts and the softest baby goats who I wanted to smuggle home out the back gate until they jumped up on me. Goats are crazy!
We saw the "Back To The Future Delorean" and "Herbie the Love Bug".
We saw teeny newborn chickens hatching out from their eggs. (Aww.)
We saw goths, emo posers, and folks with missing teeth. It was 1/2 price day, so Sacramento was in rare form.
We saw a woman with giant long thick yellow fingernails on only one hand who worked in the food service area.
I ran into Kat & Jordan twice, Kirk's mom twice, and some old friends whom I haven't seen in three or four years!
We saw battered deep fried Spam, Twinkies, Snickers, catfish and etc... and heard the arteries pre-clogging up of the fair-goers who stood in line to order those foods.
I broke my "no refined sugar" rule and allowed myself four bites of a cinnamon bun and a cup of Merlinos orange/lemon icy treat. It was absolutely delicious and interesting to find that my sugar tolerance is really low. It was overpowering and made me a little hyper. (I had a taste of what Mars went through on Saturday night!)
What is it about putting a stick through your food that makes it all the more enticing? It's like food of the future! In the future there will only be food in pill capsule form or on a stick for easy handling.
Soup will definitely be a problem, the soup pills just won't be as good as the real thing...
state fair,