Oct 31, 2006 20:57
I need a steady job but I want to be a paperback writer.
Now for theblahblahblah...
So I've been out and about involving myself in the Savannah Film Festival. I'm upset with myself for never having participated before. There are a lot of very interesting, sincere people involved. It's been very positive.
Three things have become apparent to me:
Everyone I admire hates L.A. Tommy Lee Jones even went as far to say 'the air there is ugly'. Today I went to a discussion with five prodominate filmakers on it and all of them passionatly hate it. They all seem to agree the potentinal for sincere work to come out of there is almost entirly squashed by the big studios. I had only a passing intrest in L.A., but now I have been assured from a lot of diffrent sources that it is not entirly nessescary. Good. Too much sun there. I really am an East coast girl I feel.
East coast and Scotland. I met a few filmakers from Scotland today as well. They told me to 'hop over the pond' and pay them a visit. I think I will. I've been dying to go back there anyway. Anyone want to come-I'm thinking Spring Break, in mid-March.
Two: I need a motherfucking website. For God's sake I've been trying to learn how to make one forever. I am no closer. I know I've implored all of you before about this. People have told me to sketch out what I want it to look like. Ben's even gone so far as to sort of make me one, but I need to learn to do it myself. I need to purchase a name and just do it. So if anyone knows the best tutorials or books or software, please let me know. Make sure it's the most impossibly childish book available, as I am entirly retarted when it comes to this stuff. I mean basics, kids. WAY basic.
It's either that or literally hiring one of you to make the entire thing for me, and I can only pay you in homemade Mac and Cheese, character design or modeling. If you are interested in this deal, let me know. Icandesign it-it's just all that paticular, pesky coding that ruins me. I hate communicating with computers.
Three: I will end up working with nerds. I love nerds. I love the geeky, nerdy cutlture. I love genre film and television. The thing about nerds is their honest passion. There is no public glory in the nerd culture-it isn't photographed and put on Page Six. It's not like working in the fashion industry or even the big budget film industry-there is no glamour to it. (to the public eye at least) It is ridiculous and looked down upon and laughed at. But nerds do it anyway. Because they love it, and they don't lie about loving it. They are far more comfortable with themselves then any other group of people I've met. They have to be. And if somebody knows my name as the author of a graphic novel, it's because they love my work. Not because I happen to be famous or because of my face. It's because they love and connect with my stories.
And in the end, all I want to be is a storyteller.
That's all I've ever wanted to be, even when I pursue fashion design. It's all about telling a story.
Every theatrical productiosn i've been a part of, wheather it's costumes, makeup or acting.
Every drawing I've EVER done, it's been to facilitate a story.
That is the common ground.
That is what I'll credit myself as from now on.