Some friends of mine started a group at school called the International Film Society. I helped them out this past Sunday on a shoot for a public service announcement about abusive relationships.
Matt was one of our sound guys. He's so handsome he gets two photos.
My roommate, Matt, makes a killer 1st AD. He's so awesome he's even doing grip work =P
This is Jamie, the director.
Nick was best boy but also took pictures.
Kevin was our camera man.
Miss Sophia Buggs (our public speaking instructor) acted as our main talent and she was incredible.
Steve and Matt swapped boom op through out the day.
Some of the lovely ladies who were talent.
Apparently a down moment.
Steve made us take 500 photos of him doing various sound guy things. He was excited.
Matt at craft services on the patio at building 2.
The whole set up.
I took a picture of Nick while he tried to take a pic of everyone else.
Josh our DP and Kelsey distracting Steve in the background.