From Twitter 05-13-2011

May 14, 2011 03:13

  • 18:25:03: OH DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN IT IS FRIDAY. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.
  • 18:25:18: Friday the Thirteenth, yes, but Friday all the same, dammit!
  • 18:29:36: Seriously, this week just took too damn long.
  • 18:30:11: ...granted, that might have been not being on my meds due to incompetence on mine/the doctor's/the pharmacy's/everyone's part, but still...
  • 18:30:42: RT @ksonney: Photo: choochoobear:
  • 18:31:22: I did actually manage to work on my painting, though, so it's not a complete loss.
  • 18:31:44: (The painting I was hoping to have finished three weeks ago, I might add.)
  • 18:35:51: And I did not get into a car accident today. This is always my irrational fear for FtT.
  • 18:36:07: Not that I've ever been IN a car accident, mind.
  • 18:41:57: ...sweet lightning, it's almost seven? Wow, painting beats even Okami for keeping the focus off my stomach.
  • 18:42:15: I was only able to swim once this week, too. This irritates me a lot.
  • 18:42:41: Well, I might swim if I'm up at six tomorrow and feel like I have nothing better to do (and the truck isn't in front of my car).
  • 18:43:33: Rather doubtful considering that I'll probably be dehydrated and tired from my weekly dear-god-I-can-have-alcohol orgy tonight.
  • 18:43:53: How sad is it that I spend all my anytime points on booze? XD
  • 20:34:30: (sigh) Mom, shut up. You haven't had to job hunt in 35 years and don't realize how shitty the economy is now. Your advice sucks.
  • 20:36:53: If I hear one more utterly retarded suggestion to go around cold-calling LAWYERS I am going to explode.
  • 20:37:32: Seriously, she just corners me and says, "So you really have no intention of becoming a *real* professional paralegal." WHAT THE FUCK.
  • 20:38:43: Even the people who taught the damn class realized that we weren't in it for esoteric reasons, but just to get a damned job!
  • 20:38:50: *FUMES*
  • 20:39:30: It seems that Friday the Thirteenth saved its shittiness for really late in the game. Damn you bad luck days! *shakes fist*
  • 20:40:10: Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate! ARGH!!
  • 20:40:47: Playing Echo Bazaar now to burn off steam. DIE, JACK OF SMILES! DIE AGAIN AND AGAIN! MUWAHAHAHA!
  • 20:50:07:, it didn't work. I still feel stabby.
  • 20:50:51: Considering that this woman thinks that the Angles and Saxons were from Scandinavia, I prolly shouldn't get so upset.
  • 20:51:38: History Lesson No. 5678: the Angles and Saxons were from modern-day Germany. Only the Jutes came from Scandinavia.
  • 20:52:09: And that was Denmark, not fucking NORWAY.
  • 20:53:05: And the ever-popular History Lesson No. 872: Horses are NOT native to North America. For fuck's sake.
  • 20:53:45: Note to self: do not ever go to lunch with parents again.
  • 20:56:27: God, I need vodka. And a mallet.
  • 20:57:04: At claire: I NEED ASIA'S ORION-THWACKING MALLET! Can I borrow? *puppy eyes*

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