From Twitter 04-27-2011

Apr 28, 2011 03:09

  • 10:45:35: Yesterday was the kind of day that had to be ended by retail therapy at Ulta. Today is shaping up to be the same.
  • 10:45:44: Minus actually buying anything, of course.
  • 12:03:44: Is it wrong if I still prefer the endings put forth in HP fanfics rather than the actual one?
  • 12:04:22: Also: squeeeee I have so many yellow storylets in the sidestreets of the Bazaar! #ebz
  • 12:04:34: That clay sedan chair will be MINE! MWAAHAHAHAHAHAA!
  • 12:06:10: I think I had to buy string lights yesterday out of desperate hope that I might be able to hang them in a place of my own someday...
  • 12:06:30: (A place that has an AC unit that only *I* get to control, btw.)
  • 17:07:37: #ebz Is it an infernal creature? An escapee from dreams of scapeless surveillance? The pinnacle o...
  • 17:45:53: *is secretly hoping Boston wins because she's still not over Montreal killing Washington's playoff run last year*
  • 17:47:05: I'm also annoyed with myself because my uterus is too busy GUSHING ASSTONS OF BLOOD for me to go swimming. Fscking body.
  • 17:47:37: And now I'm hearing that weights before cardio is better for burning fat. C'mon, universe, make up your damn mind about this already.
  • 17:48:15: I am actually rather cold in spite of the fact that my room is about 73 right now.
  • 17:49:07: This is usually a good sign that my body has lost some of its excessive padding and hasn't quite adjusted yet.
  • 18:50:45: So far this week, no real loss according to the scales, but I am putting this down firmly to the arrival of the Red Tide.

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