May 01, 2007 21:16

Fatal Frame III should be coming soon. I ordered it off of eBay because it was cheaper there (FFIII is pretty dang expensive, yo D:> ) so I'm a little worried if it'll actually show up or not. The guy I bought it from looked pretty reliable, though, so I'm not gonna get my panties in a bunch over it. GHOOOST ACTIONNN

I've been playing Pokémon Pearl most of the time lately. Fun game. ...My choices in video games are disturbingly varied. I've switched from an m-rated horror game to Pokemon without a single paragraph in between. HAHAHAHAaaaaa

Anyways, here's how I'm doing there. I'm totally not ripping you off, Badgerr. Nope

Vlad (M, Zubat - level 29) - I love him to pieces, but if I decide to switch somebody else into the party, I think he's the one that's going to go. After all, zubats can only be tough for so many levels before their low defense starts to show. Or something. That's what it feels like, anyway. I don't like golbats though :<
Deidara (M, Noctowl - Level 28 ) - omg. Deidara is awesome awesome awesomecakes. Just like the ninja he's named after. That is ALL, man.
Sasori (M, Skorupi - Level 29) - Sasori kind of sucks even though I grinded him for about 7 levels. I'm trying to make him better. Wonder if Skorupis evolve or not.
Fran (F, Lopunny - Level 29) Fran is frantastic.
Fantashi (F, Ponyta - Level 29) Fantashi is kind of a ho-pony because she knows Attract and I make her use it all the time. But it works really weeeellllll I can't help it.
Marluxia (M, Roselia - Level 29) Marluxia was awesome from the moment I started using him. He's the only solid defense against rock and ground types in my party, so that's a good thing. He needs a finishing move, though - all of his attacks are really strong with low PP right now.

I also have a level 32 Gastly in the day care center whom I can't quite decide what to do with. Use him instead of Vlad? I dunno. He's levels higher than everyone in my normal party.

I wonder if Trapinch is in this game. <3 trapinch.

Silent Hill 0rigins is really starting to shape up. I just wish a PSP was worth my money. D:>
Speaking of Silent Hill, I posted moar icons here for my icon challenge. I like them, but haven't gotten too much feedback. STEAL MY ICONS OKAY

...That's it, really.

I love random screencappage on YouTube. Oh, how I do. lol Mio

silent hill 0rigins, icons, silent hill, pokemon, mio, fatal frame

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